< Family Matters

Family Matters/Funny

  • The episode where Urkel builds an atom bomb and detonates it.

Urkel's voice echoing, as the city is engulfed in a mushroom cloud: Did I do that?!

  • Steve's imagination sequence where he, dressed as Superman for Halloween, beats up a bank robber.
  • On the first episode with Myrtle, Steve attempts to serenade Laura with his accordion. Hilarity Ensues.

Rachel: "Well, it's more like Steve's playing caused the neighbors to throw bricks at his house."

  • In one episode, Eddie dents the car and resorts to illegal gambling with Steve (who never loses) to work up the money to pay for repairs. After he's caught and arrested, Carl gives him a long lecture about fessing up when making a mistake to prevent things from getting out of hand like that. Immediately afterward, Harriet gives Carl the exact same lecture as the second plot of the episode involved Carl accidentally throwing away the cremated ashes of Harriet's recently-deceased great aunt and trying to cover it up.

Urkel: Relax Eddie, there is absolutely nothing that can stop us.

Police officer: Freeze! This is a raid!

Urkel: Except that.

  • One episode has Carl and Estelle playing a Mortal Kombat spin-off with an elderly grandma fighting a ninja. Just hearing the "Grandma Wins!" in the deep MK voice makes the whole thing worth it.
    • Later on Waldo challenges Estelle and initially wins playing as the ninja, until Estelle changes her character to Steve Urkel and makes a comeback.
  • The three-part Disaster Dominoes building up to Steve and Myra's first kiss, with him making a mess of setting up folding chairs until he throws one into the grill, fumbling around her backyard furniture until he breaks a window, and finally struggling with her hammock.
  • Richie and 3J are hiding out in the attic and Steve uses an infrared tracking device to find them. However, when he first turns it on, it picks up on Carl.

Harriette: "What's that big blob?"

  • In the episode "Baker's Dozen", after trying Carl's secret family recipe, Lemon Tarts, Rachael thought of the idea of selling them. Carl thought it's a great idea, until he learns he has to make 12,000 tarts by the coming monday. So everyone (except Harriet) start making the tarts. But after a few hours, they only made several hundreds. Due to the stress of it all, a misunderstanding caused a food fight between Carl and Rachael. Rachael accidentally threw flour at Laura, who then tries to get back at her with more flour. Eddie yells "Food Fight!" and starts throwing some tarts at Carl, then he throws some back. It escalates, until they were interrupted by Urkel, who asked if there's anything to eat. Everyone throws some tarts at him before resuming their fight. When Harriet shows up to stop them...

Harriet: Look at you people! Look at my kitchen! Have you all lost your minds!?
Rachael: He started it!
Carl: Did not!
Rachael: Did too!
Laura: It wasn't me!
Carl: Did not!
Rachael: Did too!
Eddie: I was minding my own business.

Urkel: I just came over for a snack!

Harriet: I don't care who started it! It's over! I'm not gonna say how you destroyed my kitchen! Or how you all act like children! Or what a dumb idea this was to begin with! I'm not gonna say that!

Carl: I'm not gonna say she started it.

Rachael: And I'm not gonna say I had lousy help!

Harriet: Good. I'm glad we're all in agreement.

Carl: (whispering) You started it.

Rachael: (whispering) Did not.

Carl: (whispering) Did too.

Rachael: (whispering) Did not.

Harriet: SHUT UP!!

(Carl and Rachael quickly stuck their tongues out at each other.)

Urkel: (licking some of the cream on him) Can I have a glass of milk to go with my face?

    • Rachael's grumpy face during the whole scene was hilarious.
    • Harriet: "It was everybody's fault. Except mine."
  • When Waldo is involved, there will more likely than not be one of these. For example:

(in a courtroom)Urkel: State your name.
Waldo: Illinois.
Urkel: No Waldo, state your name, not name your state.
Waldo: Oh. Waldo Geraldo Faldo. From Illinois.

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