Fallout: Nuka Break/Characters
The characters for the Web Series Fallout: Nuka Break
Twig's Group
Actor: Zack Frinfrock
A vault-dweller from Vault 10, a vault filled with overweight people, Twig searches the wastes of Nevada and California in search of the perfect "Nuka Break" with his friends, Ben and Scar
Associated tropes:
- Appropriated Appellation: The bullies of Vault 10 called him Twig to make fun of him for being the least overweight person in the vault, but he seems to have no problem using the name.
- Author Avatar: He's pretty much Zack in Fallout. Well, except the dumb part.
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: A justified example. Twig and company think "By Menen!" is a religious hymn and treat it as if it was taking the Lord's name in vain when swearing.
- Guile Hero: While he's good in combat, Twig can actually talk his way out of situations with Bounty Hunters and Raiders. Though usually this sets up his team to shoot them.
- Idiot Hero: Twig plays this role in the party. Zack Frinfrock has stated that Twig only survives because he has a 10 in his Luck S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat. His Charisma is apparently high as well, according to a recent panel
Scar: "Staying mad at you is like being mad at a puppy! It's too dumb to know any better."
- Insult Backfire: Since he's from Vault 10, he takes any You Are Fat insults thrown his way as compliments.
- Only Known by Their Nickname
- Pyromaniac: Episode 5, Shiskebab. 'Nuff said.
- Supporting Protagonist: He primarily lives through his mouth and luck. He's only been the hero twice, and only because the first time Ben "couldn't see shit" to snipe and because Scar and Ben finally got tired out during a fight and lost while he ran to grab a new weapon. But the other two are doing the heroic stuff for the most part.
- The Big Guy: Despite being the first name on the roster, Twig fits this role in the Five-Man Band plus The Chick.
- The Chick: Mixed with being The Big Guy.
- Took a Level in Badass: Wiping out a merc squad using a shiskebab he ran several miles back to steal.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Nuka Cola, of course!
- Weapon of Choice: A .223 Pistol, aka That Gun.
Scarlett "Scar"
Actor: Tybee Diskin
A former slave in Caesar's Legion, Scar was saved by Ben and Twig when her new owner was seeking refuge from the desert heat while moving her across the Colorado River. The bounty on her head by the Legion proves to be the party's most dangerous problem.
Associated tropes:
- Action Girl: She may have been a slave, but Scar is good with her Laser Rifle and packs a pretty good punch.
- Turns out Twig and Ben didn't save her. Twig was crying on the ground and Ben was severely injured. Scar broke herself free and saved them then sealed the cave with one of Ben's grenades.
- Badass Damsel: And how!
- Doom Magnet: Due to her having a bounty by the Legion.
- The Lancer
- Weapon of Choice: Her Tri-Beam Laser Rifle. Too bad bad Ben shot it.
Ben Real Name: Benjamin Eldridge
Actor: Aaron Giles
A ghoul with tendency to take what isn't his.
Associated tropes:
- Badass: It's implied but it's not really seen until episode 5, when he sneaks away from his guards off screen and shoves his shotgun into the back of Larry's head.
Larry: "You were watching her, and WHO WAS WATCHING HIM!? "
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: He seems to have this with Scar, who is the only person he likes. That said, he and Scar fight constantly but he always apologizes to her but never to Twig.
- Character Development: In episode 3, Ben shows disgust at his old friend selling Jet. We also learned he worked for Myron during Fallout 2 and left due to moral reasons. He's even hating himself for even considering taking this job from a drug-dealer, friend or not.
- The Fog of Ages: Ben's 200 years old and his failing memory is actually hinted at. While it's usually Played for Laughs (By Menen!), there are also hints that Ben is at the early stages of what would be old age for a ghoul and is slowly losing his memory. He has problems remembering where Eastwood is and things he's said.
- Honor Before Reason: He lets Larry live despite trying to turn them into the Legion to pay off his debt to him Scar calls him out on it, but he points out that killing Larry isn't going to stop Leon from pursuing her and that they need to take him out instead.
- Jerkass: To pretty much everyone.
- Twig gets this badly from him as he has tried to irradiate Twig, get him fired from his job, shot, and coerce into blowing himself up to save him and Scar.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He does care about Scar a lot and openly apologizes to her. He even rescued her from slavers!
- Kleptomaniac Hero: If it isn't nailed down, he tries to steal it. They get run out of Goodsprings because of this.
Ben: "Woo! Free Shit! YEAH!"
- McGuffin: The ring around his neck.
- Memetic Mutation: Like you didn't have "By Menen!" stuck in your head after the first episode.
- Now in-universe as well, as Twig uses it as a curse.
- Mysterious Past: We don't know much about Ben's history, but the Season 1 finale reveals that an NCR Ranger has been protecting him (without his knowledge) and recognizes the ring he wears around his neck.
- The Hero: Is starting to seem to be the main protagonist as he has gotten the most character development, is an Ensemble Darkhorse of the series and season 1 ended with major implications about Ben's past.
- Weapon of Choice: A Hunting Shotgun.
The Protector
Ben: "What are you doing?"
The Protector: "Protecting YOU!"
Actor: Camereon Diskin
- Badass: He's an NCR VETERAN Ranger!
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Normal: It's easy to forget that all NCR Rangers are just volunteers.
- Casting Gag: He's Tybee Diskin's brother.
- Chekhov's Gunman: He was the one who signaled to Twig where Eastwood was, makes a cameo appearance in Episode 3 and was presumably present during the events of Larry's ambush. There's a reason he's categorized as a member of Twig's party.
- Early-Bird Cameo: He makes an appearance in episode 3 at some point in the background according to imdb.
- Gas Mask Longcoat
- The Faceless: We've only seen him with his helmet on, but he only appears in the last 5 minutes of the season 1 finale so it's justified. Here's a pic of his actor if you're curious.
- The Nameless: He hasn't introduced himself yet either
- Sixth Ranger: No pun intended.
- Spell My Name with a "The": We don't know his actual name yet so fans have taken to calling him "The Protector."
- Wham! Line: "Eldridge? Benjamin Eldridge?"
Tanner & Co.
The villians of the original NukaBreak Fan Film. They are also NOT Talon Company.
Actor: Robert Thorne
The leader of Tanner & Co.
Associated tropes:
- Mondegreen: Not him, but many viewers thought the name of their organization was the Talon Company, who have no presence on the West Coast where the series takes place.
- Oh Crap: He's the one who figures out what's up with that Eyebot and Twig's plan.
- Oh, No, Not Again
- Surrounded by Idiots
- True Neutral: It's pretty clear he's just in this for the money.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Though Red doesn't really qualify as a "hero" he calls her out on shooting him in the face just because she's pissed off.
Actor: Michele Specht
Tanner's girlfriend and all-around crazy bitch. She's also the only one to survive the movie.
Associated tropes:
- Chaotic Evil: She has no problem shooting her teammates when she feels like it. Unarmed traders too.
- Commuting on a Bus: At the end of episode 5, she and Larry cross paths in a bar in Eastwood. And both have a reason to go after Twig, Scar and Ben now.
- Crazy Awesome: More crazy than awesome, but she did survive a mine to the face...
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Before she returned in Episode 5, every YouTube episode was flooded with "When's Red going to return!?" comments.
- Evil Laugh: Pretty good one too.
- For the Evulz: Her standard MO.
- Gosh Darn It to Heck: Zig Zagged. In the movie, she screams What the Fuck!? when she wakes up from a bottlecap mine going off in her face, but says "Aww, poop" when Larry "escapes".
- I Just Shot Joey In The Face:
- Large Ham
"Did you SAY A FAT VAULT DWELLER!?!?!?!?!!!
- Recurring Character: She's the only character from the movie besides the trio to reappear in the series.
- Surrounded by Idiots: "We're back here again? Really, guys?"
Actor: Kevin Brooks
Third member of Tanner & Co.
Associated tropes:
- Flat Character
- Too Dumb to Live: He forgets to pop-up when their targets arrive, read the bounty and then complains about his boss and his psycho girlfriend when they miss hitting Twig and Scar (which he missed as well).
Characters from Fallout
John Henry Eden
Actor: Malcolm McDowell
Associated tropes:
Actor: Jason Grasl
Associated tropes:
- Fallout: New Vegas: He's a character from the game. The merchant in Goodsprings.
- Fantastic Racism: He really ran away fast when he saw Ben's face.
- One-Scene Wonder: As a character from the game making an appearance in the show physically, this was bound to happen.
- The Cameo:
Characters played by Vic Mignogna
The Narrator
"The wasteland. A desolate place, darkened by the shadows of a dead civilization. There are no heroes, only survivors. This the story of one man's quest to find happiness. The perfect Nuka Break." - Opening Narration
- Narrator
- Unreliable Narrator: He describes things from Twig's point of view when discussing previous events, which are admittedly skewed.
Trader Vic
A trader who gets in a random fire fight with Twig & Co.
Associated tropes:
"I think you got plenty of ammo! And you're waiting for me to come out so you can shoot me!!"
- Idiot Ball: Yeah, you should totally make fun of your armed customers.
- Nice Hat: "It's adjustable."
- Squick: We don't know if he knew she was alive or not, but the movie implies he was going to have sex with Red's corpse. Thank god she was alive.
- We Hardly Knew Ye:
Old Man / Eastwood General Store Owner
Owner of the Eastwood General Store.
Associated tropes:
- Butt Monkey
- Crazy Awesome
- Cool Old Guy: Sure he has memory problems, but the way he handles them is hillarious.
- Dead Man Walking
- Expy: Of Trader Vic. Played by the same guy.
The Mysterious Stranger
The character from the Fallout series that shows up to help to kill an enemy for the player character. He saves Twig from a radroach as thanks for handing him back his hat.
Associated tropes:
- Badass: It's the Mysterious Stranger.
- Chekhov's Gunman: If his name turns out to be Chekov, he will LITERALLY be this trope.
- Theres No Kill Like Overkill: Mysterious Stranger vs. a Radroach. It's like sending Chuck Norris to beat up a baby.
- Leitmotif: His singature cord returns AND Dan Martinez wrote an entire piece around it. You can listen to it here: . Doubles as a Crowning Music of Awesome.
- Nice Hat: Returning it to him gave Twig a free rescue from the stranger.
- One-Scene Wonder: He's like this in the game, but it reached Memetic Mutation levels on YouTube. Just read the comments in Episode 3 & 6.
- Stealth Hi Bye: Again, it's the Mysterious Stranger. He is powered by this trope.
Misc. Characters
The Raiders?
- Bounty Hunter: They think they're raiding but one points out they're actually bounty hunting. This semantic makes it hard to tell what they are, despite what they are doing. Episode 2 reveals they were in fact bounty hunters.
- Hilarity Ensues: They're entire scene. They go from legitimate threat to bumbling morons in 10 seconds flat. And it's so memorable.
- Idiot Ball: They're not too smart...
- Interface Spoiler: Hillariously averted, Twig's VATS just says "Raiders?" when he targets them. That's right, they're so ambiguous, the interface that gives names for everyone is confused.
- Nice Hat: The one who gets vaporized has one. It survives.
- Red Shirt: The raider Ben snipes at the beginning of episode one is named in the credits as "Raider Withoutachance."
Eastwood Characters
Mayor Touch Conners
Actor: Doug Jones
The Mayor of Eastwood.
Associated tropes:
- Berserk Button: Slavers. Especially Caesar's Legion.
- Creepy Awesome
- Dead Man Walking: Confirmed as Averted!! He will be returning in Season 2.
- Fridge Horror: He lays one on the audience. He claims Eastwood is the only slavery-free city in the NCR. Considering NCR is the non-slavery faction, what does that mean about NCR's police!?
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Weren't you in Hellboy and Pan's Labrynth?
- Made of Iron: He's survived Leon nuking Eastwood!
- Nice Hat: Foot-tall Top Hat?
- No Sense of Personal Space
- What Could Have Been: Was definetly intended for a larger role in Season 1, before the whole set burning incident. Considering his hatred for Slavers and the Legion, him and Larry would have been in an interesting position.
Lawrence "Larry" Synder
Actor: Kevin Brooks
Associated tropes:
- Butt Monkey: Everything he's done has backfired so badly, it's hard not to feel sorry for and/or laugh at his misery.
- Fantastic Racism: Ghouls and "smoothskins" again, but Larry seems to be a step higher.
Ben: "I've got friends."
Larry: "You? Friends!?"
Ben: "Yeah. A couple of smoothskins."
Larry: "Not like you to keep pets, Benji."
- Honest John's Dealership: His facebook description is "Lucky Larry's Best of the Best!"
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Larry has a Facebook.
- Oh Crap: Larry has several of these moments. In episode 5 he has four.
- Punny Name: He's a snide character who's last name is Snyder.
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: Larry's a Legion spy working for Leon Swallow.
- You Sound Familiar Kevin Brooks played Joey in the movie. He also sings the first end song "Wanderin'."
Actor: Steven Dengler
- Number Two: Mayor Connor's trusted advisor and head of town security
- One-Scene Wonder: His name is never mentioned in the episode outside the credits. Considering nearly 3 episodes were cut and the 6th was heavily edited he may have been intended to have a larger role in the series. Too bad that wildfire destroyed Eastwood.
- The Cameo: He's the Associate Producer of the series, so he got a speaking role.
- He also was responsible for helping to fund the start up costs of the series.
Caesar's Legion
Leon Swallow
Actor: David Castro
Associated Tropes
- Affably Evil: Despite being a Complete Monster who owns slaves and is high ranking in the Legion, Leon is actually fairly nice about it. He doesn't kill his men if they can at least show some responsibility for their actions, has a nice smile and is actually shown as being somewhat forgiving, which is unheard of in the Legion.
- His entire scene when he talks to Larry is this.
Leon: (Cheerfully) "Hi Larr. My little wayward spy. I suppose you didn't capture Scarlet like you intended.
Larry: "No, Leon. I OBVIOUSLY did not.
Leon: (somewhat sadly) "Mhm. Well, that's a shame. Larry... You know what I do to people who fail me. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't do that to you."
Larry: "I know where they are."
Leon: (unconvinced) "Uh-huh."
Larry: "You have to give me a second chance, because I can bring her to you."
Leon: "Well where are they?"
Larry: "South of here. I set up an ambush for her and her friends but-"
Leon: (understandingly) "Yeah, and you screwed it all. I understand. ... Well, I'm not surprised."
- Badass: Scares the crap out of his men and slaves, is implied to go through with overkill on his objectives, freaks out his scary black guy, and destroyed Eastwood with his fat man, Artemis, from a mile away.
- Big Bad
- Creepy Monotone: Leon has this going on despite being emotional with his voice. Really
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: See his quote about dealing with Eastwood.
Leon: "When hunting foxes, take away the nest. Fox can't go home."
- Even Evil Has Standards: See Affably Evil above.
- Expy: Of Legate Lanius
- General Ripper: It's unclear who or what he really is. All the audience knows is that he commands Legionaires and he is extremely wealthy in the Legion. He's also not hesitant to kill his right-hand man.
- Good Hair, Evil Hair: We know from the cartoon slide that he has a beard. Sadly, it's not a goatee.
- I Call It Vera: Artemis, his Fat Man.
- Scary White Man: An amazing inversion of the trope as he visibly intimidates his Scary Black Man, Daniels, in casual conversation.
- Screw the Rules, I Make Them: He's a high ranking official in the Legion, yet he drinks. This isn't actually all too uncommon in the Legion as a Centurion in Fallout: New Vegas is a known booze hound.
- On the other hand, he's drinking wine, which might be allowed in the Legion because the Romans were big wine drinkers.
- He and his men don't wear Legion armor either. It might because they are over the border in California, but they were dressed like this in Arizona. But that can easily be handwaved as them being on the frontlines and spying.
- Surrounded by Idiots: He knows it, but they are still useful for him. In a funny twist, the idiots know their idiots too.
Larry: "Leon is looking for me."
Red: "So? Leon's looking for everybody! Thank god, he thinks I'm dead."
- The Deadliest Mushroom: To Eastwood. Although this was done to explain why Eastwood's set burned down.
- The Faceless: Played with, because we seen Leon's face in the cartoon backstory, but when he finally appears on screen, it's hidden in the shadows, implying he might not look the same anymore.
- As the picture above shows, we finally see him in Episode 6 of Season 1.
- You Have Failed Me...: It doesn't have the payoff it usually does, but Leon makes it clear he's NOT above crucifying his own men.
Leon: "Larry... You know what I do to people who fail me. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't do that to you."
Actor: Howard McNair
Associated Tropes
- The Dragon
- Scary Black Man
- Theres No Kill Like Overkill: He calls Leon out on doing this to Eastwood in Episode 6.
Daniels: "Sir, isn't that too much?"
- What an Idiot!: He got 200 and 2000 mixed up when he put the bounty out on Scar.
- You Have Failed Me...: He's not killed (yet), but it's made pretty damn clear if he screws up again, he will be crucified.
Leon's Bodyguards (Neil & one unnamed guard)
Actors: Phillip Agresta & Christopher Troy
Associated Tropes
- Bishonen: Neil would be this if he wasn't missing that eye. Of course, that doesn't matter to some people. His unnamed companion is also one.
- Early-Bird Cameo: The bodyguards along with Leon were seen in Episode 2 in a cartoon slideshow, in traditional Fallout style of course.
- Eyepatch of Power: Neil is sporting one of these.
- Those Two Bad Guys
Now go back to Fallout: Nuka Break, Fatty.