< Fallen
- Complete Monster: Azazel, considering his M.O. is to completely ruin people's lives and then kill them.
- Fridge Horror: The movie demonstrates that people Azazel possesses don't recall their actions while under control. Think back to Reese at the beginning, trying to possess Hobbes. Had he succeeded, the real Reese would have returned to his own consciousness minutes before his own execution for crimes he has no memory of committing.
- This happens anyway, since he possesses a nearby guard instead.
- Paranoia Fuel: Azazel lives and breathes this trope. He can freely possess anyone who doesn't have strong enough willpower to resist him with a touch. In a crowded area he can be anywhere in moments. And if you kill one of his hosts he can just possess anyone he likes. He turns normal people into serial killers and does it purely For the Evulz. And it could easily be you next.
- The Woobie: Plenty of Azazel's hosts qualify, Charles being a very notable example.
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