Fake Radio Show Album

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    "You're 'bout to go downtown, bitch right here on the station that plays only platinum hits! That's 187.4 on your FM dial. If you're lickin', that's WBALLZ!"
    DJ Suck T. Nuts, Doggystyle

    An album where songs and/or comedy routines are interspersed with Witty Banter, Parody Commercials and station ID breaks. Also scheduled may be inane news/weather/traffic reports, obnoxious callers, and embarrassing studio mishaps.

    Compare Studio Chatter. Needs a Better Description.

    Examples of Fake Radio Show Album include:
    • The PDQ Bach albums P.D.Q. Bach on the Air and WTWP: Classical Talkity-Talk Radio.
    • The compilation album Smashie and Nicey: Let's Rock! has a couple of intros by Paul Whitehouse and Harry Enfield's (respectively) DJ characters, but is otherwise a conventional compilation.
    • Queens of the Stone Age's Songs for the Deaf (which pretends to be various obnoxious modern rock radio channels)
    • The soundtrack to Reservoir Dogs uses voiceovers from comedian Steven Wright to frame the 70's pop songs as part of a fictional 70's revival station, KBILLY Super Sounds of the 70s. This includes station identification, recaps of play lists, and a call-in contest. The same technique is used during the movie itself.
    • The Who's The Who Sell Out, purporting to be a broadcast from Wonderful Radio London (only Jingles and Parody Commercials in this one, though)
    • In a spoken word example, the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society has released several CDs of Lovecraft story adaptations in the style of 1930s Mercury Theater radio dramas, complete with studio announcements and mock-cigarette ads.
    • Bomb The Bass' Into The Dragon pretends to tune through a variety of radio stations, sometimes even ending up on another station right at the end of playing a different song. There's also DJ banter introducing the songs—in one case, in Japanese.
    • Music For Freelance is an album of remixes and covers of various tracks from the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack, interspersed with several tracks/talk spots by a "pirate radio DJ" from "Radio Free Mars.
    • Da Yoopers did this on several albums, starting with Culture Shock.
    • The Cog Is Dead styled their first album, "Steam-Powered Stories" like an old-time radio show, complete with fake commercials and new breaks.
    • For the most part, Cotton Candy's Top Notch And First Rate is set up to sound like a radio station's broadcast of a battle of the bands. Instead of parody commercials though, the album alternates original songs with covers of actual advertising jingles.
    • Danger Days: The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys has this throughout the album- "Look Alive, Sunshine" is Dr. Death preaching on his pirate radio station as the intro to Na Na Na, about halfway through the album we get "Jet Star and the Kobra Kid/Traffic Report", and at the very end we have "Goodnight Dr. Death" as the final transmission.
    • In-game radios in videogames. Some even reflect in the player actions, often resulting in News Travels Fast:
      • The GTA saga.
      • The Fallout saga since Bethesda takeover.
    • 11 tracks into Victor Wooten's Jazz/Funk unaccompanied bass album A Show of Hands, a dry classical radio announcer cuts in to announce that "You have just been listening to a medley of Jazz tunes by Victor Lemonte Wooten. We will now hear his performance of the Classical Thump Prelude in G-Major, written for Quatro Stringendo Solo Basso Profundo de Electronique...on radio W-00-10," after which he jumps into Classical Thump, an adaptation of a couple of Bach pieces for Ludicrous Speed slap bass.
    • A common device on recordings by The Firesign Theatre, ranging in size from short excerpts of DJ/host chatter to entire programs.
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