< Fahrenheit (2005 video game)

Fahrenheit (2005 video game)/YMMV

  • Awesome Music: The game features an original score by Angelo Badalamenti, who scored the majority of David Lynch's films. Not to mention, an impressive roster of cult classic funk/pop/jazz records.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: The point when your previously serious crime mystery has a Mayan Priest set a Jaguar on you in the jungle probably counts, although things continue to get weirder from there.
  • Disappointing Last Level: A story, rather than gameplay-based example. There's a reason why Yahtzee calls this phenomenon "Indigo Prophecy syndrome".
  • Esoteric Happy Ending: The aforementioned ending... (Carla and Lucas are having a half-undead child, despite barely knowing one another. The Orange Clan is still at large. Lucas has achieved some kind of omnipotency, and is also known to read an awful lot of Nietzche.)
  • Fridge Brilliance: If you had just broken up from a long-term relationship and had nothing but milk in the fridge and duck soup in the cupboards, wouldn't YOU want to eat out as much as possible, too? Seems like the perfect setup for Lucas being in the diner, when you think about it.
  • Fridge Logic: After Lucas is revived, his model is re-textured with a paler skin: you know, like a corpse. Also, his breath doesn't fog anymore -- implying either that he isn't breathing or that his body temperature is about as low as that of the outside air (or both) -- and Carla mentions (right before they have sex, no less) how cold his skin is. Apparently, though, this doesn't affect his ability to knock her up.
    • Tyler and Dennis playing basketball in freezing temperatures without even shivering, when at all other times they are wrapped in fleecy coats etc. Even more confusing is the fact that the court is swept of snow when all the rest of the area is a foot or so deep in the stuff.
    • Tyler's basketball match chronologically takes place concurrently with Lucas visiting Agatha for the first time - however, the basketball court is overcast but still bright, but Agatha's neighbourhood is dark.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Lucas being chased by freakishly large, red-eyed Jaguars in a dense jungle while haunting Gregorian choirs swell in the background. If that doesn't unsettle you even a little you must be Made of Iron.
  • Memetic Molester: Or, rather, Memetic Necrophiliac. Specifically, Carla.
  • Scrappy Level: Either of the two stealth based missions in this game.

"Don't move or I'll shoot!"

Book store owner: I was born in Brooklyn, man. I never been no further than Long Island. Hey, I'm more American than you are, man!

  • Villain Decay: I defy anyone not to take the Oracle less seriously after seeing them wearing their ridiculous Mayan priest outfit.
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