< Facing the Giants
Facing the Giants/YMMV
- Anvilicious: This is a textbook example of how NOT to portray Christianity in mass media.
- Author Tract: It's not just a Christian movie but produced and financed by a Baptist church, so this is pretty much inevitable.
- Broken Base: Some Christians do not agree with its semi-Prosperity-Gospel message.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: The Death Crawl Scene. In the words of Grant Taylor: "You just carried a hundred and forty pound man across this whole field on your arms!"
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming:
- "I'm standing for my son."
- Grant's wife finally getting pregnant.
- Most Annoying Sound: During the infamous Death Crawl scene, the coach pulls this off. Some of the lines Grant says are the same and borders on him sounding like an actual video game character.
- Narm: Watch the deathcrawl scene with your eyes closed and see if you can't draw any Accidental Innuendos.
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