< Fable II

Fable II/Characters

This page is for characters whose only appearance is in Fable II. For characters who appear in II as well as another game, see Fable.

The Player Character

The Hero of Bowerstone



Sister Hannah, aka Hammer (Julia Sawalha)

  • Action Girl: And she's very good at it.
  • Actual Pacifist: At first, unwillingly.
  • Appropriated Appellation: Nicknamed "Hammer", which she doesn't much like, by her fellow monks. When she renounces her vows, she takes the name for real.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: She finds the life of a monk boring and wants to go adventuring. She does so, but only after her father is killed and she breaks her vow of pacifism to avenge him. At the very end, she declares she's sick and tired of violence and just wants to be happy again.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She's sweet and chatty, but when her dad gets killed...
  • The Big Girl
  • Bottle Fairy
  • Brawn Hilda
  • Drop the Hammer: She pulled it off a statue with her bare hands. It is BIG. And made of stone.
  • Gentle Giant: The Hero of Strength and sized accordingly, but originally a pacifist who chafed at her vows because she wanted to do more than pray to defend the well-being of others. Even after she renounces her vow, she remains firmly on the side of the angels. (And she's always pleased to see your dog.)
  • The Lancer: The first of the Hero of Bower Lake's allies and by far the most supportive one.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: Played with. Hannah sheepishly says that the other monks called her "Hammer", which she really didn't care for. After her father is killed, when one of the monks calls her "Sister Hannah", she growls back, "Call me HAMMER."
  • Pet the Dog: Literally. It's the first thing she does upon seeing him. Apparently the adoration is mutual.
  • Stout Strength: She is a very big lady with a very big hammer that she uses very well.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: She will call the hero out if you choose the wealth option over your family or all the people who died.

Garth (Ron Glass)

  • Badass Bookworm: Oh yes. Wanders the world with a pack full of research, and the foremost expert on the Old Kingdom and its artifacts. Obliterated a fleet of ships with magical fire when he got "a little overzealous".
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Ethnic Magician: The Hero of Will and from Samarkand, a faintly Asian culture (except with dark-skinned people).
  • Heel Face Turn: He was working with Lucien at the start of the game. At that time, he had no idea he was on the bad guy's side - in fact, his first appearance is his walking out on Lucien because he realised Lucien's crazy.
  • Ink Suit Actor: Garth resembles his voice actor, Ron Glass.
  • The Smart Guy
  • The Stoic: Unlike the more colourful Reaver and Hammer, Garth is extremely dignified and doesn't emote a whole lot (even when he's blowing things up).
  • Volcanic Veins: As a practised user of the Will, his body has become covered in glowing blue lines, much more extensively than the player character will ever have.


Lucien Fairfax

  • Apologetic Attacker: When he kills your older sister and then tries to shoot you dead. He does seem genuinely sorry.
  • And Your Little Dog, Too: He starts by killing the Rose (the Hero's only family) and mortally wounding the hero as a child. It just gets worse from there.
  • Big Bad
    • Non-Action Big Bad: Lucien is killed rather unceremoniously in the end either by you or Reaver.
  • Cosmic Retcon: Though his original intentions with the Spire may have been to bring back his dead wife and daughter, he eventually realizes that the world itself was the problem. Of course, the Hero of Bowerstone prevents him from achieving his ends.
  • The Dark Side Will Make You Forget: He started out trying to revive his family with the Spire, but quickly decides to use it to create a world without death or chaos.

Garth: Give a beggar a million gold, and he'll buy bread until he's full. But then he'll realize that there are other things than bread for sale.

What? What is that? What are you doing? You think a mere trinket will save you? Do you think anything can? Stop! Think about what you're doing! I will put an end to chaos! Stop now, you fool! You insect! I order you to stop! Sleep! I command you to sleep! Sleep!

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