< Fable (video game series)

Fable (video game series)/WMG

Scythe is the Archon

This is borderline Captain Obvious, but should probably be stated anyway since its not been officially declared.. In the side material released by Lionhead, the 'Tales of Albion' refers to Archon's last days, how, dismayed with his children's actions, he clothed himself in gold armour and a blue cloak, and vanished without a trace. Then, some years later, Scythe appears in the world dressed in, you guessed it, gold armour, wrapped in a blue cloak.

Theresa is responsible for everything in Fable 2

It was all a Xanatos Roulette engineered in order for her to gain the Spire. Think about it, Lucien looses his wife and child, then suddenly finds out not only about the spire, but also about three heroes he needs, anda fourth who will oppose him. Who did he learn this from? Theresa. Then, some time later, Theresa individually tracks down the fourth hero, and persuades the siblings to gain an ancient artifact. Immediately after gaining this, Lucien somehow knows where they are, and what they've done. Lucien tries to kill the hero, but fails, and Theresa then sends the hero on a massive quest to gather exactly what Lucien needs, only for Lucien to appear again and take the heroes to the Spire. Finally, the Hero somehow procures the same artifact from before, and defeat Lucien. End result, Lucien is gone, and the Hero is indebted to Theresa such that they couldn't possibly deny her the Spire. The only possible explanation is Theresa was manipulating both the hero and Lucien the whole time, not just the Hero.

  • It doesn't help that when she claims the Spire, it comes off as really creepy.
    • Or that, when Lucien is asked what he did to Theresa after ambushing the assembled Heroes atop Hero Hill, his response is, "All I did was listen."
      • OR that if Theresa is really 400 years old, she could have even been involved with Reaver's mysterious past in Oakvale. Traumatic village-destroying event? Been there, done that.
    • In the "See The End" expansion pack, it is implied by Murgo that Theresa is the one who is supplying him with all the magical goods that are provided to the hero. Which means she most likely supplied him with the musical box in the beginning of the game.

The Theresa in Fable 2 isn't really Theresa

If you get the book item 'Hero of Oakvale' (the hero from Fable 1), it says only two facts are agreed upon; That the hero defeated jack of Blades twice, and that the hero wielded the Sword of Aeons. This makes killing your sister in Fable 1 canonical, making it impossible for her to be around in Fable 2. My theory is that what guides the Hero in Fable 2 is not Theresa, but the Sword of Aeons itself, taking Theresa's form, perhaps even having absorbed her consciousness in the ritual.

  • This Theresa has eyes whereas Theresa was blinded by Jack cutting out her eyes. Just an additional comment.
    • Remember that cutting out one's eyes doesn't always mean ripping them completely off, but merely just blind them by a direct hit to them. However I always thought them to be eyesockets filled with the glow of Will magic. And don't forget Reaver's words when he meets Theresa for the first time:

Reaver: Blind, eh? I'd rather have mute.

  • On the other side of the argument though...maybe Theresa wanted the Hero of Oakvale to whack her with the sword, maybe she absorbed the swords power to gain immortality.
    • One problem: in F1, there was a virtually unknown but equal Good sword that complemented Aeons, the Avo's Tear. Just as powerful, but far less known and far more obscure. Given the considerable passage of time, how do we not know that the Avo's Tear was mistaken for Aeons, particularly since I've seen GAMERS get the two mixed up in the real world?
      • This is implied to be the case. In Fable 1, after killing Jack of Blades the first time, a picture is shown for sparing Theresa, the good ending, while a different one is shown for killing her, the evil ending. The picture shown in Fable 2's Chamber of Fate is the same one as the good ending from Fable 1.
  • I was under the impression that Theresa from Fable 2 was the Ghost of Theresa from Fable 1.

The Theresa in Fable 2 is really Theresa.

I pretty much believed this from the beginning. The game makes a point of mentioning that there are immortals among the people as the game is being played, and it has nothing to do with the story. It could be a reference to your ability, in theory, to play the game infinitely after you've finished the main quest, but it seems unlikely as time doesn't seem to pass in a progression of years as it did in Fable, except for the one big chunk in the middle of the game.

  • Young Theresa in Fable had her eyes sliced out. That sounded to me like a knife was taken directly to her eyeball, or cut just over her eyelids (and vertical scars over the eyes, long faded, seem to be suggested on Theresa in Fable 2). Both of these possibilities would leave the rest of her face relatively intact and ungrotesque, especially given a thousand years to heal. As for the blindfold, the redness around it looks more like irritation or tattooing than blood or evidence of some terrible permanent injury.
    • Tattooing definitely sounds like something Twinblade would do, as there are already tattoos in evidence on her arms.
  • Young Theresa doesn't apparently age past puberty -- she stays looking youthful as you go grey.
  • Young Theresa always wore red and white, as Theresa does, and we know they both have a lot of Will ability, even though the demonstrations of it are limited.
  • Theresa's voice definitely seems to match as something Young Theresa's voice could age into.
  • We know Young Theresa is rather harder to kill than the average person, given that abandoned in a forest bleeding heavily from the eyes less than a hundred miles from a constantly-snowy climate should have killed anyone in hours, not days.
  • Your attacks have no effect on Theresa, the same as the other immortal we encounter in the games.
    • I rather think that's because she's a plot-essential character.
      • Work with me here.
  • The tapestry shown of your ancestor shows him taking the good path and tossing away the sword by default (the cloak in the tapestry for keeping the sword was black, in the original Fable, and the cloak to toss it was gold, which is what's shown), lending further credence to the "history confusing it with Avo's Tear" theory.
    • And even apart from this, if you did wield the Sword of Aeons, we see Theresa fall to the ground and then a cutscene and the credits. Falling != dying in every case.
  • If you perform various expressions in front of Theresa in Fable II, she will comment that you remind her of someone she used to know. Her brother, perhaps?

Also, the official wiki basically says it, but then it points out without confirming or denying almost every theory on this page. The official wiki says so.

  • There really is no possible way it isn't Teresa from Fable 1. It's also confirmed in an official Fable II art book.
  • In one of the Fable 3 developer diaries, Theresa's voice actress says something along the lines of "she was blinded as a young girl, I believe you see that happen in the first game." The footage probably wouldn't have been used if it wasn't true.
    • Whether she's lived for 500 years, died and been resurrected, or a time traveler, is more the question...'
      • It is this troper's personal theory that the bloodline of William Black is by default immortal by their own choosing and may choose to die if they're contented or simply wish to. Scythe/William Black himself is still alive by the time of Fable II, taking care of Rose should you choose Love. Theresa is also alive. Now, one could say that Sparrow died because the bloodline of Black was heavily diluted by the time he/she had been born, but maybe Sparrow died because he/she had settled down into a comfortable life(via returning the bloodline of the Archon to the throne of Albion) and given birth to a family and therefore was contented and ready to die. Theresa, on the other hand, has a noticeable air of tense ambition about her all throughout the second game and possibly even the third game, as she guided the Prince/ss through each and every step of the quest via the Road to Rule with the express purpose of saving Albion form the Crawler. In a way, she's remained alive because she has a personal, and rather selfish, drive to better herself and therefore she's restless and refuses to die. In another aspect, she's also now something of a self-appointed guardian; watching over Albion from the Spire and using her visions of the future to guide it and shape it, more or less becoming another Scythe, who is also her distant ancestor. Scythe, as well, is a self-appointed Guardian of Albion, as he helped Nostro form the Hero's Guild and remained on the sidelines for the better part of history, only stepping in to further shape it to his own ends(like when he aided Weaver and Maze in their uprising against the Guild leadership and had Weaver appointed as Guildmaster). In so doing, we now have two powerful forces, Theresa and Scythe, acting as guardians of Albion, actively shaping it to their own ends. Odds are, Fable IV will see this conflict to its natural end...
        • The person taking care of Rose is dead and in the afterlife. If the person with her is Scythe (maybe, maybe not) then he's dead too. Personally, my money is on a Theresa/Reaver conflict. If you assume she's along the lines of Chaotic Good or True Neutral (she seems to move from the latter to the former over the course of the series), she cannot abide someone like Reaver for very long.

The person Rose meets in the Family Ending is...

Either Scythe, or Jack of Blades. She says he was scary at first, but doesn't seem so bad. Both have an intimidating appearance, yet both act quite friendly when you first meet them in F1, Jack even more so than Scythe He claims to know her family, Jack is very familiar with the lineage, while Scythe, being the Archon, is her ancestor. She says he looks kind of like a king, and while Archon was a king, Jack certainly acts like one. She says he's very skinny, and wears a hooded robe. Both attributes shared by Scythe and Jack. She also mentions his name is hard to remember. the Archon's original name was William Black, a particularly generic name. Jack is also a generic name, although Jack of Blades is most likley a title. He may have told her his true name, which would be likley bizarre by Albion's standards.

  • I thought that the person was supposed to be God, or maybe Death.
  • It would make sense for Scythe to take care of her, if he really is her ancestor.
      • Word of God confirms that it was Scythe and that Jack is dead for good.

At the end of Fable 1, the Hero puts on Jack's Mask

As mentioned in the previous entry, the only determined factors of the Hero's life is that he beat Jack, and wielded the Sword of Aeons. Therefore, its not entirely impossible that the Hero wore Jack's mask instead of destroying it. Of course, one wonder why Jack isn't reigning over Albion by F2. Perhaps the Hero was simply too strong for Jack to control, but not strong enough to vanquish Jack's mind completely. The Hero makes a deal with Jack, Jack gets the Sword of Aeons, but is cast into another realm. Should someone find this, than Jack is free to try and influence them.

  • Which can be tied into the previous entry, in that Jack will now make Rose into his successor/host, and return to Albion in Fable 3 as 'Rose of Blades'

Reaver didn't actually get teleported to Samarkand following your defeat of Lucien

Considering all the terrible deeds he's committed, and the fact that he really wasn't much help aside from being necessary for the ritual, it wouldn't be unsurprising if Theresa took punishing him into her own hands, and teleported him to some remote and unknown location, from which he will be unable to return and make his sacrifice to the Shadow Court, thus dooming him to being taken by them himself. Of course, this could just be wishful thinking. But come on, he killed Barnum, dammit!

  • I've heard rumors that some future DLC for the game (not Knothole Island) would kinda pick up plotlines with some of the main hero NPCs and they were most interested in Reaver. Considering he got zero development and had less than 15 minutes of [approximate] screen-time total, it would make sense for a potential DLC pack to focus on him.
  • He's confirmed as a character in Fable 3, and from the footage appears to be a prominent one.
  • Jossed. In Fable III, you can find a book detailing his travels in Samarkand including the fact he was thinking about killing Garth. It's left open as to whether he actually kills him or not.

All of the Above will be true in F3

Theresa of Aeons managed to escape Jack's clutches, rendering his powerless in a voidrealm. However, as shown in F1, The Sword of Aeons loses power if its not used. For this, it needed the Spire, to give it full capacity and the capability of wielding itself. Meanwhile, Jack manages to steal Rose's body, which is what the red light was in the ritual circle in Fable 2. He was too late to use her, but if the spire brings her back to life, then suddenly he has the solution to his problem. By manipulating, grooming, and ultimately possessing Rose, he will break free and return to Albion to reign once more. Theresa of Aeons, retaining her gift of foresight, learns of this once its too late to stop Jack's escape. The remnants of Theresa bear a grudge against Jack, and decide to stop him. Rose of Blades needs the Sword of Aeons to regain absolute power, and goes after it. Each is to afraid to confront one another directly, so they decide to manipulate the latest Scion of Archon into doing their bidding. This will he the Hero of Fable 3, and will culminate in the Hero taking the power of Theresa of Aeons, Rose of Blades, both, or neither for themself, and shaping the world from thereon in.

If you choose the Bad ending of the Prologue The Commandant is Derek the Guard

After Lucien sacks Derek he leaves the town of Bowerstone forever. However we see Lucien again but Derek seems to have magically disappeared, except Lucien being not heartless in the prologue gave Derek a second chance and they went to the Spire together. In Luciens diaries he mentions experimenting on people to make Spire Soldiers (as in the pale guys with trench coats and super strength) before the beginning of the game. We later learn that these experiments were failing when Garth calls the Commandant "a freak, Lucien's failed expirement". So after experimenting on more and more people Lucien finally perfects the way to making Spire Soldiers and forces Derek, for his failure to get back the wanted posters to become the dreaded Commandant of his forces.

Theresa sold out Hammer

Not at all unrelated with the WMG saying Theresa is behind everything. Imagine this, Lucien has been hunting down the 3 Heroes unimpeded for 10 years between the prologue and the time the Hero gets to Oakvale, yet his minions show up at the Temple of Light on the exact same day that the Hero shows up to recruit Hannah, and only moments after Theresa complains that the girl needs a reason to abandon her vows and fight. So to nail two birds with one stone; getting rid of Hannah's obligations and giving her motivation to fight Lucien, Theresa deliberately allowed the bad guys to know where to find the Hero of Strength. The game never explicitly says she's a nice person. She's not.

The person looking after Rose in the Love ending is the hero form Fable I

Okay, here goes: After the events of Fable: TLC, Theresa and the Hero traveled together for a while, until eventually he was mortally wounded by some great evil. Theresa then used her will powers to send him to a worldlet where he could recover. This gave her enough Will XP to get the immortality ability, which explains why she's still around. Unfortunately, getting the Hero out of the worldlet proved harder than sending him there, so Theresa traveled some more, and eventually found information on The Spire. She then manipulated Lucien into rebuilding the spire and the Fable II Hero into killing Lucien afterwards, so she could have the spire, so she can figure out how to harness its power into getting her brother back from the worldlet and giving him immortality as well.

Also, Rose finds the Fable I Hero familiar because he's her distant ancestor and looks similar to her father. And she says his name is hard to remember because the Fable I Hero was never given a real name, so its entirely possible his real name is something so nondescript it's easily forgotten. The some sort of king, I have no idea about, maybe after Fable I, the Hero started a kingdom somewhere after fighting off all the monsters there or married some king's daughter as a reward for some quest, who knows?

  • Or his status as a "king" is in fact his Mayorhood of Bowerstone!
  • It's worth noting that Rose says he looks like a king, not that he is one, and Rose is, mentally, twelve years old and has been homeless for much of her life, so anyone dressed better than the peasants she generally sees could probably be mistaken for a king.
  • Alternately, when finishing the Arena, if you killed Whisper you're referred to as "the new Arena King."

Heroes cannot be killed, except by another Hero

The Fourth Hero in Fable II cannot be killed by anything. He falls to the ground, then immediately gets back up and continues fighting. The Oakvale Hero had a little more risk (since he could technically die) but since his death was never canon, and after every death you were brought back to just before the mission with all of the experience you had from the quest, we can assume that he could not die either. Also note that every Hero who died within the stories was killed by another Hero. In fact the only canon event that goes against this is the attack on the Heroes guild. (Maybe they no longer count as Heroes if they aren't adventuring enough?)

    • Also I like the name "The Oakvale Hero". It's a lot easier to say than "The Protagonist of the first Fable game and the Lost Chapters expansion"
    • The main characters of Fable I and Fable II are canonically named: "The Hero of Oakvale" and "The Hero of Bowerstone" respectively.

The Fable 2 protagonist is Immortal

This would explain why he or she is not affected gameplay wise by the spirits near the end of the game.

The Fable 2 protagonist is Dead

Both the Fable 2 Hero and Rose were killed by a runaway wagon while talking to the lady and the tramp. Notice that nothing overtly magical (The Music Box, for instance) happens to the Fable 2 Hero until after this point in time. The story of Fable 2 is the dying dream of a young child who'd desperately wanted something better.

The Fable 3 protagonist can be the son/daughter of Theresa

Note that in Fable 2, it was pretty much stated that only people with the blood of hero's could become hero's. It was also stated that only 4 heros survived, but 3 of them only have a third of the bloodline. That leaves only one person who is able to spread the heroic Blood, otherwise known as the Hero of Bowerstone. But what happens if this hero is gay/lesbian? In that case, there will be a chance of the Hero never fathering children. Which means that the heroic bloodline will never be passed on.

Or so it seems. Even assuming that you didn't choose the choice of family, there is actually one other person in the world known to have heroic blood of all 3 kinds. Theresa, and its even possible that shes stronger blood wise then the actual Hero of Bowerstone. She has also shown that shes not afraid to make a direct intervention into things in order to ensure her visions come to pass. So, realising that it might not actually happen otherwise, she gets herself pregnant. After having the baby, she claims to be dying of old age or similar, giving it to her old friend who owes her a favor or two for taking care of them. not to mention helping them get revenge on Lucien.

The baby gets raised as the Hero's, with the complete bloodline. In addition to this, since the blood running through the childs veins is Theresa's, it is far more potent, allowing for the wings and other such things.

Reaver is the son of the Hero of Oakvale.

He's got heroic blood, he comes from Oakvale, so it seems likely that there's some connection there. Growing up in the shadow of his heroic father gave him Issues, which was why he made his ill-advised deal with the Shadow Court and wound up where he did.

  • Surely that means that Reaver and the Hero of Bowerstone are descended from the same person? Which makes all those femsparrow/Reaver fanfics a little... disturbing.
    • Sparrow could even be descended from Reaver himself. Say it with me now...ewwwwww.
      • except it's pretty well established in the second game that Reaver will do anything that moves, if it just happened to be in the form of his great great great great grand daughter then that's just a bother. it's better than the third one... balvarines...

Rose, had she grown up, would have been a will-based hero.

She got her ass kicked by a bully and died after one shot in the chest, while your much younger character beat up said bully and survived being shot and falling through a window. Lucien clearly states "you are heroes," meaning both of you, so she must be one. It's just that she's a Glass Cannon mage who hasn't learned to cast spells yet.

  • I usually stay out of here (on the grounds that I actually know which of these are true or false, mostly), but because this one won't Joss anything or ruin Fable3 for anyone, I'll mention that in early drafts of the plot for Fable2 Rose was the hero of skill.

Should Rose return for Fable 3 she will be tougher from living with Scythe also she'll be younger then Sparrow

Since Scythe is a skeletal figure we know rose wont be getting her freak on with Scythe so what else can a powerful warrior and the sister of the greatest hero in Albion since Oakvale do together? How about training! Also when she was ressurected was she resurrected at the age she died at? then she'd be younger then sparrow now.

Peter Molyneux hates family

This ones simple Fable 1: Theresa has her eyes cut out is found by bandits and is possibly raped by them before becoming Twinblades little servant girl. Your mother, Scarlet Robe, is tortured by jack of blades before she died, and your dad was killed. Fable 2: mom and dads dead. Your sister gets shot in the chest, Lucien kills your wife/husband and kids, and your dog. And if you resurrect your family you dont even get reunited with Rose. Fable 3: You play the younger brother of a new tyrant king and have to dethrone him. Will he be killed? This is a molyneux game after all

Hero blood grows stronger in each new generation

William Black needed Jack's sword to beat him eons ago, yet his decendant, the Hero of Oakvale, was able to defeat him (possibly very easy) when Jack had the sword at full power. Then flash-forward to Sparrow, who could have more skill with firearms (headshots and selecting limbs, even able to shoot weapons from enemies' hands, as well as being unable to die. Next, in Fable III, the Prince/Princss is able to combine two spells with spell weaving, and is able to morph their body and even weapons depending on choices and alignment. Assuming this isn't just a gameplay mechanic, and everyone generation is meant to be stronger and more powerful, it could be that the Hero blood gets stronger over time, instead of being diluted as most people believe.

  • Maybe not: in Fable 3, the hero cannot use magic without the gauntlets, and cannot use the time stop or shielding spells (though, the ability to mix spells and use ice spells IS new), glowing Will lines only appear if the character has tattoos, and the body modifications that Heroes had in the previous game (such as demonic or angelic forms) only appear if the King/Queen is focusing.
  • I doubt it. Jack was possessing a human body when he fought the Hero of Oakvale, and so was probably way more fragile than when he was in his own body. He also mentions that the Sword is "a shadow of what it was before", so I don't think he had any where near the power he used to hold back when he fought William Black. Plus, the description of William Black's magic abilities makes him sound like a full-blown Reality Warper, not just some wizard. I don't think any one really comes close to that.
  • I always assumed that the "hero" gene expressed itself differently from hero to hero, based on stuff like personality, destiny, and so on. For instance, the hero of Oakvale, having formal training in hero abilities, had more supporting magical powers like shielding, berserk and multi-arrow. The hero of Bowerstone, raised on the streets, had incredible mundane skills, like counter-attacking (even the strength-based powers were partially skill-based) and headshots. Finally, the hero of Brightwall had incredible magical strength, but very little in the way of finesse. They also, as the only hero thus far, gained power NOT by exercising their heroic powers, but from the people of their kingdom. Presumably, the other heroic lines, such as those of Briar Rose, Twinblade, Whisper/Thunder, Maze(/Garth?), Hammer (who had power even before her awakening as a Hero) and probably some of the boss bandits from II, work differently.
    • I agree with you as far as to the hero of brightwall, his fighting style seems to consist, apart from when he uses magic, entirely OF finesse.

Theresa created the Darkness.

Spoilerific, read at your own risk.

  • I think we can all pretty much agree at this point that Theresa is a MASSIVE MANIPULATIVE BITCH, this follows logically from that knowledge. Theresa used the power of the Spire from the last game and created the Darkness Incarnate. She is systematically destroying the world and rebuilding it in her own image, only giving you, her brother's descendant and a member of her own bloodline, a (slim) chance of survival. There may be more to her motives, but it seems pretty clear to me that whatever the reason for it, she is behind the Darkness. I mean really just think about it: it's a force which sucks away light, leaving its victims blinded. It speaks constantly of children, childhood, and bitterness. It takes the form of demonic humans and armored warriors, and when it catches you, it leaves you with the appearance of having had your eyes gouged out. Fighting it for the second time this Troper couldn't help but draw parallels between that dark desert cave and Theresa's horrific experiences as a young girl in the first Fable game.

The entirety of the Fable-verse is really Theresa's PTSD-induced hallucinations.

Because why not.

The pie lady is an extremely wealthy pervert who gets her jollies from watching people put the top crusts on pies.

You're certainly not making thousands of gold from the sale of the pies. And there's certainly nothing else that could explain why she apparently just stands there and watches you work.

  • She must be related to whoever pays you to stand around and play the lute, then. There's no possible way I made 20,000 gold busking off a group of three or four Dwellers.
  • Or she's Albion's Chairman Kaga, planning to open a Kitchen Stadium, and "speed pie crust rolling" is the competition she's using to choose her Iron Chefs. The huge pay is to encourage the best chefs in Albion to leave their jobs and give it a try.

Reaver made another Deal with the Devil 5 years before Fable III

He sacrificed Albion and Aurora to the Shadow Court to make Reaver Industries a Mega Corp. The Crawler is an agent of the Shadow Court whose purpose is to kill sacrifices. No real evidence for this except that it sounds like something that Reaver would do.

    • Supported by See The Future in which the Shadow Court, whom Reaver made his deal with, have an obsession with a colourless world, similar to The Darkness.

The Crawler is a member of the Court, possibly even Jack of Blades himself.

Both the Court and The Crawler come from The Void, they have similar goals in mind, ie enslaving and/or destroying Albion, they share a similar voice, and both have the ability, and apparently require the ability, to possess people.

The members of the Court were actually aliens.

The "Void" that they come from could just be outer space. I don't think anyone in Albion could tell the difference between going to another dimension and going to an alien planet/spaceship or whatever.

  • Following on from this, William Black/the Archon/Scythe was an alien, too... most likely the last son of a doomed world. His "parents" (the blacksmith and his wife) simply found him in the bullrushes. As for the iconography of what would centuries later become the Guild Seal... well, that was his true family crest.

Logan planned the Fable 3 revolution.

The man looks way too happy when you and Walter break down his door and I instantly went 'Hang on a minute . . .'. This is the supposedly all evil tyrant of Albion and his reaction to his brother/sister most probably coming to kill him is to sheath his sword? He defeated - or at least survived - the Crawler. He may not be a Hero but he must be pretty impressive and almost definitely able to match Walter. He knows he isn't a hero but Theresa tells the Hero of Bowerstone that their child will fulfill their destiny in the fate of Aurora and Albion. Even if that's ALL Logan knew its very possible that he was pretty positive that he knew the Prince/Princess was a Hero even before Walter. When you escape the castle he doesn't look very hard to find you even though as a tyrant he ought to be murdering anyone that supports you. Even before then the Hero doesn't show much of an inclination towards well anything regarding going against Logan even though they're clearly getting information from outside the castle. The speech Walter was so impressed by was entirely Elliot/Elise's idea so when Logan says he's not going to treat you like a child anymore is literally to kick you up the back end so that you hate him which means you leave the castle with Walter. You come back win against his army with an army of mainly civilians - so now there's two armies that can face the Darkness - gold to help support the kingdom, experience of life outside the castle, experience as a Hero and with the support of the people of Albion. If you kill him he dies. If you pardon him he slips away, fights the Crawler with the aid of the army he helped raise and apparently leaves Albion. Not the actions of a power mad tyrant or even anyone that wants a place in court. Albion survives and his parent's family rules the kingdom - as far as Logan's concerned he wins.

Walter is scheming git

From what I can tell he has no plans to leave with the Prince/Princess until after he finds out they're a Hero and a perfect flocking point for a rebellion. When you go to the Hero of Bowerstone's burial cave thing he says he promised to bring you here when you were old enough and strong enough - he had to wait until you were at least 17 if not older to do that? He may as well say he promised to bring you there if you were a Hero unlike your brother.

  • Walter states that he didn't realize how terrible the situation was with Logan until Logan decided to murder the protesters and forced the Prince/ss to choose between three strangers and his/her childhood sweetheart. It implies that he was waiting until the Princess wasn't, you know, a teenager before trying to start a revolution with the Hero at its head. Not to mention that the Prince/ss is incredibly sheltered at the start of the game, to the point of never having left Bowerstone Castle. It's possible that Walter wanted to build up the Prince/ss' skill so s/he would be strong enough to lead a revolution, and then show her/him the situation with the people to educate her/him on what Logan has done, instead of abruptly saying, "Okay, it's time to leave behind everything you've ever known, everyone you know save for the butler and me, toss you into the incredibly dangerous wilderness, and usurp your brother in a bloody coup. Ready? Go!"

Fable 4 will be set in Samarkand.

Think about it: Why would Lionhead decide to create from scratch another country, Aurora, to help out the Hero in Fable 3, when he could have sent us to Samarkand, or to the Northern lands where Hammer went, two places that players would love to see included in the games? Well, to make them the main regions of the next game(s)! Considering that pretty soon, Albion will end up in the modern age or at least WW 1 era technology if we even just jump 50 years each games, a logical solution would be to set them somewhere else.

    • Also, better tech makes traveling long distances easier. So a future game could feature Albion, Samarkand and North :D

All of this is a story Theresa is telling to someone. Start a new charater in Fable II and you'll hear her say: "And who is the hero of our tale?" Would explain why you can't die in Fable II, because that's not what happen in her tale!

  • What do you think?

The Rebellious Chicken is a Hero.

If the black chicken you see running out of the kitchen and trying to fly is the Rebellious Chicken, then it could possibly have the will power to survive even death. Plus, getting caught in that furnace in the intro really should have killed it.

  • Indeed. When you open the kitchen door while heading there with Elise/Elliot, there's a black chicken flocking through the doorway.

Theresa wanting the Prince/Princess on the throne has absolutely nothing to do with their leadership.

After all, she still praises you if you do absolutely everything Logan would have. When she says you're the only one capable of defeating the Crawler, she really does mean that you're the only one physically capable of defeating it and that's all. You have at least two things Logan doesn't - one, superpowers and so greater fighting capabilities and indestructibility, and two, Walter - if it weren't for his relationship with the Hero, the Crawler might not have made itself vulnerable. As for her involvement in the coup and whatnot, either it was just to get Logan out of the way, to play along, a roundabout way of sending you to Aurora at least once first, any combination of the above, and/or more.

Lionhead is building up to something with Reaver.

Seriously, looking at his complete Karma Houdini nature, it's most likely that in a future game (maybe Fable 4) the player gets the choice to either obliterate or humiliate him in an epic manner, or further reward and perpetuate his Jerkass legacy.

  • There's gotta be something here. It's obvious that the common thread character for the entire saga is going to be Theresa, who is at the very least True Neutral if not Chaotic Good or Neutral Good. A character like that cannot abide such an obviously Chaotic Evil character as Reaver forever -- if you're going to call Theresa True Neutral, she's a "keeping the balance" sort, and someone with as much power and as much potential for evil as Reaver is eventually going to singlehandedly upset this balance. If she's Something Good, you don't even need that much justification. Also, you can make a (relatively weak, imo) argument for Reaver as extreme Chaotic Neutral, but even if that is the closest thing to his "real" alignment, we see him commit much more corruption and evil than good, so it's clear he'll end up upsetting the aforementioned balance anyway or, if he has a Heel Face Turn of some kind, still have the reputation as an evil man that will still make this seem necessary.

Fable 4 will take place in Aurora and Albion about 50 years after the events of Fable 3, and will include a western scenario and an Albion similar to the version in the previous game. The character will be the hero in Fable 3's grandson/daughter.

Think about it. It could be similar in scenario to Red Dead Redemption, offering a desert filled with cowboys born in Albion and settling in new land, and Albion could be given an Old West theme as well, including Paddle steamers and stagecoaches to easily get around the various regions. The player could, based on his/her decisions, rise to the rank of a Governer to Bowerstone, or sink low to become the most notorious bandit in Albion and Aurora.

  • Problem with this is that it's a very non-British setting for Albion. Maybe a settlement from across the seas in another continent, but a Wild West theme doesn't seem to fit with the Fable series' Britishness. Reaver as an outlaw/corrupt cattle baron would be kinda hilarious though.

Reaver planned on destroying the Crawler all along

Tying into to Guess above (that the Crawler was an agent of the Shadow Court), Reaver traded all the people of Albion for true immortality and the Court agreed, planning on sending the Crawler to take the people. However, Reaver sided with the King of Albion (both Logan and The Hero) to both give them the financial aide they'd need to defeat the Crawler, increase his own wealth through Reaver Industries AND get toll free immortality by destroying the Shadow Court.

While Heroes, as a rule, do not need intelligence, their enhanced abilities and sparsity makes the link at least possible. The Sanctuary that you utilise in Fable 3 is, in fact, your personal TARDIS. The main room has a primitive console in the middle (the giant map) that lets you transport anywhere in the world. It has several rooms for something that initially seems so small, and the dressing room even reminds this troper of the study in one of the recent 11th Doctor adventure game set exclusively in the TARDIS. As far as the player is concerned also, you can cary a large amount of equipment, indicating your pockets are bigger on the inside.

  • What is the Guild Seal if not an early precursor of the Seal of Rassilon?

Rose's wish of living in a castle did come true, but not like how she wanted.

  • Maybe the box's granting wishes is like a Literal Genie? Maybe she said something to the effect of, "I wish I could spend the rest of my life in a castle." Well, she did spend the rest of her life in a castle. Her last few hours of life were spent in Lord Lucien's castle before he gunned her down. So she did spend the rest of her life in a castle; it just wasn't how she wanted.

Theresa is trying to shape the Hero of Bowerstone into the first hero... by killing their family

Theresa wants the Hero of Bowerstone to succeed, she really does. However, one of the greatest heroes of all-time was the Hero of Oakvale, who started out his journey with... you guessed it, dead (or so believed) family. Being the sister to the first Hero also gives her a slight bias towards him. Thus she tries to shape the second hero into the first by killing their family when all she really needs to do is sit down, and have a nice chat and go "Dude, you should totally become a kickass Hero". Similar to Sins of Our Fathers, in an odd way. Very tragic, really.

Theresa took control of The Spire as a backup plan in case The Crawler succeeded in destroying Albion

The Spire's purpose is to remake Albion into whatever its owner wishes. What better reason to use it than reversing Albion becoming a giant puddle of darkness? Luckily, Plan A (you) kept that from being necessary.

Jack of Blades and the Crawler are one and the same.

Except after being killed so many times, he's dropped the Faux Affably Evil and simply gone Ax Crazy.

The Crawler was Lucien

At the climax of Fable 2, Sparrow sends Lucien to his death, blasting him from the top of the Spire. Into the depths. Into the darkness. Lucien, however, survived his fall. His chance of mending his misfortune gone, his only hope stolen from him, he makes his wish. If he cannot reshape the world into something more pleasing, more just, then he will see it consumed by the darkness that surrounds him, within and without. He makes his wish... and The Crawler is born.

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