Extant is an American Science Fiction television dramatic series created by Mickey Fisher and executive produced by Steven Spielberg. The story revolves around astronaut Molly Woods (Halle Berry) who returns home to her family inexplicably pregnant after 13 months in outer space during her mission.
On August 7, 2013, CBS announced that it had placed a 13-episode straight-to-series order, bypassing the traditional pilot stage. Steven Spielberg served as one of the executive producers. Production began in Los Angeles on February 10, 2014.
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- But I Can't Be Pregnant: After years of future fertility treatments, Molly qualifies for this. And then there's the whole fact that there were no other humans around when she got pregnant.
- Mega Corp: Yasumoto Inc definitely has the zaibatsu thing going, between bankrolling android research and running the International Space Exploration Agency.
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future
- What Measure Is a Non Human: Their "son", Ethan is an android, who is supposed to learn and develop his programming just as a child does, from learning. But does he really have a soul? Can nurture make up for nature?
- Who's Your Daddy?: Seeing as the baby was concieved in a solo mission in outer space, this is a big mystery.
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