< Exploding Closet
Exploding Closet/Playing With
Basic Trope: A closet or cabinet door is opened, and an avalanche of junk spills out.
- Played Straight: Alice opens the closet to put a box away or get something, and is subsequently buried under junk.
- Exaggerated:
- Kitchen Sink Included
- The closet is a very big Hammerspace that a crowd, 10 elephants, a house, among others can be stored inside, yet it's still stuffed.
- Inverted: Alice stuffs her Trash of the Titans into the closet.
- Justified:
- The closet is Bigger on the Inside
- The closet is simply filled with old items, and haven't been checked since 108 years ago.
- Subverted:
- Alice opens a drawer, not a closet.
- Alice opens the closet, sees the junk about to fall out, and closes it quickly.
- Double Subverted:
- But the drawer is overstuffed and explodes.
- The junk bursts through the door anyway, leaving a giant mess.
- Deconstructed: Alice is a compulsive hoarder, or a very unhealthily messy person.
- Reconstructed:
- Parodied:
- A skier skis down the slope of junk.
- A Camp Gay guy struts over the junk pile and out of the closet.
- A bomb is heard, and the room is once again messy.
- Alice opens the closet and sees stock footage of a landfill.
- Alice suffers Amusing Injuries from this.
- Alice is not opening a closet per se, but some form of Hammerspace
- Lampshaded: "Bob, how many times do I have to tell you, don't overstuff the closet!"
- Averted: Alice opens the closet and nothing happens.
- Or, she doesn't open the closet.
- Enforced: Rule of Funny.
- Invoked: Bob overloads the closet, knowing Alice will open it later.
- Exploited: Alice tricks Charlie into opening the closet, which she knows is overfull.
- Defied:
- Alice refuses to open the closet.
- "I'm pretty sure I need the Hammerspace cabinet, I don't want shoes and all to explode on me!"
- Discussed: "Alice, you have a serious shoe problem. I went to get my coat, and I got buried under an avalanche of heels."
- Conversed: "How did they even manage to close the door?"
- Played For Laughs: Almost always is.
- Played For Drama: Alice's family stages an intervention for hoarding.
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