< Exit Fate

Exit Fate/Funny

Funny Moments in Exit Fate:

Don't you hate it when you are talking to someone and you've got absolutely nothing to say?

Do you always talk to random strangers on the streets? Get a life!

You entered our home uninvited, but it's okay since we are such hospitable people.

Who the hell are you and why are you talking to me?!

  • Speaking of nameless NPCs, there's a soldier in the tavern of Elysium Castle trying to impress a girl. When you talk to each of them, this is what they say:

Soldier: I lead about a hundred men. That's right. They all praise me for my excellent leadership and courage. Of course, they're blessed to be in such good company.
Woman: Help.

When you come home today, don't forget to buy some eggs and milk on the way.

Luther: Everyone knows vampires play organs! That means if you're playing the organ, you are most likely a vampire!
Daniel: I... see.
Luther: Oh, and undead creatures have also been seen roaming around.
Daniel: But the organ music is much more important?
Luther: I see you understand.

  • While escaping a prison:

Daniel: We'll try and sneak out.
Ayara: Sneak out? You mean break our way out with force, sir?
Daniel: Shh.

  • This little snippet of dialogue after getting the Portal Key:

Jovian: Ah, come on, let's try it! What's the worst thing that could happen?

Angel: The end of the world?

Daniel: ...I'll take my chances.

  • More of Daniel being subtly snarky, this time when challenged about meeting with an enemy commander in person:

Leonius: You can't do that! What if they capture you?
Daniel: Well, I'll get to meet Rock either way, won't I?

  • Recruiting Ice, formerly of the Caretakers. He's just a bit traumatized after that dragon incident.
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