< Evil Luddite
Evil Luddite/Playing With
Basic Trope: A villain motivated by a hatred of technology.
- Straight: Alice feels that high technology is a sign of mankind's decadence and begins a crusade against technology and all who refuse to stop using it.
- Exaggerated: Bob decides that mankind has been corrupted by technology and announces he will kill anyone who as much as wears clothes or uses a stick or rock.
- Downplayed: Alice and Bob both lament the loss of "the old ways" and refuse to use anything that was invented after 1950.
- Justified: Alice is a dryad, who's power comes from nature while Bob was Raised by Wolves and simply doesn't understand why people need technology.
- Inverted:
- Alice and Bob are Nature Heroes fighting humanity's side in a Robot War.
- Alice and Bob are evil technocrats, driven by their desire to be on the bleeding edge of technology. Progress at any cost.
- Subverted: Alice reveals that she just wants all the technology for herself. She isn't really opposed to it as much as she's jealous of everyone who can afford better equipment.
- Double Subverted: She still wants to prevent any further development of technology in order to retain her grip, however.
- Parodied: Alice and Bob argue over whether whether their latest evil scheme uses too high a level of technology.
- Deconstructed: Alice is at a disadvantage in executing her Evil Plan, simply because everyone else is better equipped.
- Reconstructed: Bob hires hackers and other technologically equipped mercenary types to do their dirty work while he and Alice act as well respected environmentalists. Then they ...deal with them.
- Zig Zagged: Alice and Bob claim to be anti-technology but frequently use varying levels of it in their plans.
- Averted: Alice and Bob are the villains of a Scavenger World. There's no technology to be against.
- Enforced: We need to avoid making our Nature Hero look like a crazed environmentalist. Make the villains far worse.
- Lampshaded: "If they don't like technology, why are they attacking us with guns."
- Invoked: Alice and Bob use their anti-technology sentiments to appeal to environmentalists and people who want a "simpler life".
- Defied: Bob claims that they should get rid of all technology when they take over, Alice points out that it would be impossible to rule a global empire without it.
- Discussed: "If we continue to develop technology like this, mankind will lose its soul!" "Let's hope she never declares war on computers. I already sold my soul for this laptop."
- Conversed: "I hear that Alice and Bob are rounding up anyone who knows how to run the machinery or the computers..." "I hear that they hate technology and anyone who uses it. This doesn't bode well...."
- Exploited: The Federation espouses a pro-technology ideology to encourage those that oppose them to eschew it and be less able to make themselves a threat.
Repent and drag yourself away from this electronic abomination! Don't even think of going back to Evil Luddite!
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