Evil Laugh (film)
Evil Laugh is a goofy 1988 Slasher Film.
Jerry has bough a new house. It used to be an orphanage, but it was shut down when one of the caretakers was accused of molestation and went insane, killing some of the kids. Now that Jerry, his girlfriend and their friends are pouring in to the house, someone has decided to crash the party and kill them all.
Tropes used in Evil Laugh (film) include:
- Alien Lunch: Barney mistakes Jerry's severed heart for food and prepares it for dinner.
- The dinner also serves bull testicles, much to Mark's disgust when he finds out.
- An Axe to Grind: Mark is killed with an axe.
- Banister Slide
- Bound and Gagged: The killer has the grocery guy tied up for the kill.
- Brains and Bondage: That's how Sam likes it.
- Covers Always Lie: The killer actually wears a diving mask, not a skull mask like in the poster.
- Danger Takes a Backseat: The killer hides in Chief Cash's car and ambushes him when returns to it.
- Death by Sex
- Developing Doomed Characters
- Drop the Hammer: Johnny is knocked out with a hammer.
- Dumb Blonde: Tina.
- Evil Laugh: As promised by the title.
- Evil Overlooker
- Genre Savvy: Barney.
Barney: "You're going to have sex?... Don't!... Every time someone has sex in a horror story they get murdered!"
- Ghost Story: Connie tells the backstory of the house to the main cast at one point.
- Heartbeat Soundtrack: Used when Connie searches the basement.
- Impending Doom POV
- Jerkass: Sam.
- Mama Bear: Martin's mother went psychotic after his death and is committing the kills.
- Neck Snap: Tina's death.
- Not Quite Dead: Subverted as the killer rises, gives one last laugh and dies.
- Peek-a-Boo Corpse
- Percussive Maintenance: Tina manages to get her and Connie's malfunctioning car back to work by lightly hitting it.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Sam.
- Repeat Cut: The killer stabbing Burns.
- Shirtless Scene
- Slashed Throat
- This Is a Drill: The grocery guy is killed with a drill.
- Urine Trouble: Johnny accidentally urinates on a sunbathing couple.
- Who Wears Short Shorts?: It's eighties alright.
- Would Hurt a Child: Martin, who killed orphans in the house 10 years ago.
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