Evil Is Sexy/Quotes
In the night, come to me
I can't resist a Touch of Evil
You know I want your Touch of Evil
In the night, please set me free
"Murph, don't fall apart on me. He's the bad guy and he's way sexy while he does it. That's his bag."—Harry Dresden, The Dresden Files
She's wearing red leather. I mean, red leather?? Of course she's evil!—Haley, The Order of the Stick.
Hitler had Eva Braun
I wonder what I'm doing wrong...
Manson had Squeaky Fromme
Ted Bundy got lots of dates—Bill Hicks, "Chicks Dig Jerks"
"Sweet, Sly and Sexy, that's me!"—Purge, Space Channel 5 Part 2
...the devil hath power
T'assume a pleasing shape...—Hamlet, William Shakespeare
Zeus: "Are the wickedest queens always the comeliest?"
Hercules: "Usually."
"What a woman she must be! I long to see her, ... that I may form some idea of those bewitching powers which can do so much — engaging at the same time, and in the same house, the affections of two men, who were neither of them at liberty to bestow them — and all this without the charm of youth! ... [B]y all that I can gather Lady Susan possesses a degree of captivating deceit which it must be pleasing to witness and detect."
Some say the world will end in fire,
I hold with those who favor fire.
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
"I'm just gonna do the same thing I do every episode - destroy, and look good doin' it!"—Bowser, Super Mario Bros the Parody Series
"Why is the world's greatest thief so hot? And is she even wearing anything under that coat?"
JesuOtaku: If the villain is a snappy dresser with a silver tongue and the good guy is a greasy gnome with poor people skills, who are you gonna believe, right?
"I hate the way she treats us, but I like the way she looks."—Joe, Pokémon, "The School of Hard Knocks"
"Have you ever watched a Slasher Film and, when the murderous fiend is unmasked, thought, "I'm strangely attracted to that person?"
And I confess that what we do is not so nice
And I confess that all this evil has its price
And I confess our characters are full of vice
And I confess our power-hunger isn’t wise
But admit this velvet cloak looks good on me
But admit I turn you on to a high degree
But admit my long blond hair is nice to see
Just admit I’m irresistibly sexy
Trooper: Is that even anatomically possible?
Cain: ...no. And even if it were, it would be against regulations.—about a decoration in a Slaaneshi Cult's lair, The Traitor's Hand