< Eternal Law
Eternal Law/YMMV
- Artistic Licence Geography While the location shots of York add to the series' appeal, local residents and those with good knowledge of the city have been quick to point out the extent of geographical artistic licence at play in Eternal Law. What appears as the court buildings in the series (both inside and outside) is in reality offices belonging to the city council; what appears as the exterior of a hospital is in reality the city's crown court building. A scene in Episode 2 suggested the gardens beside the city's Minster are located right beside the River Ouse - when in reality, this is not the case, and - perhaps least credibly to some viewers - the quietness of York's streets from pedestrians etc. during the day.
- Ho Yay: The fight scenes between Zak and Richard on the floor of the Minster in the final episode bordered on this.
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