< Epic Battle Fantasy

Epic Battle Fantasy/Characters


  • Accidental Pervert
  • Author Avatar: He's not a Marty Stu, though. If he was, the games would be too easy.
    • It should be noted that in an interview, the creator stated that Matt is merely a character based off himself, and doesn't directly represent him. Furthermore, he went on to say that he would love to get rid of him, except he had placed him in too many projects to do so.
  • Badass Long Hair
  • Bishounen/LongHairedPrettyboy: This pic sums this up.
  • BFS: Most of his weapons. His bomb in Bullet Heaven is the largest sword in the series to date.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: The fact that he braids his hair pretty much makes this obvious.
  • Heroes Prefer Swords: Naturally following on from all those swords he has. He even rides a sword in Bullet Heaven. How does that even work?
  • Heroes Want Redheads: Suggested by one of his idle animations in 3 (although that's up for debate). By that point, two of the party members have red hair.
  • Pirate: Actually averted; he's a warrior who just dresses as a pirate. You can change his clothing in the third game, too.


  • Ascended Extra: According to the art gallery in the first game, Natalie first appeared as the White Mage in Attack of the Black Mages 5 (Matt's first flash using his current art style) and stuck around because he didn't feel like drawing more characters.
  • Breast Expansion: In the third game, Natz's breasts increase in size when wearing the cowgirl armor.
  • Fan Nickname: Natz. The creator actually made it a Canon nickname as of the second game.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Hilariously subverted and inverted in the third game. She clearly likes and respects animals and nature, but she attacks them with her teammates nonetheless and quickly makes exceptions to "gross" animals she doesn't like, such as slimes and bees.
  • Only Sane Woman: Possesses slightly more common sense than the others. Slightly.
  • Peek-a-Bangs
  • Plucky Girl: She's the only one who doesn't try to run away from Akron when the party finally comes face to face with him.
    • Effectively shaming Matt and Lance into fighting by not trying to run away.
  • Princess Curls: Upon wearing the pope hat.
  • Red Mage
  • Summon Magic: She had this in the first 2 games.
    • It's been confirmed by Word of God that she will get it back in the fourth game, though the other characters will be getting it as well.
  • Technical Pacifist: She seems to see herself as one.


  • Big Bad: Of the second game.
  • BFG: The equippable part of his weapon. Strangely enough, with all the Shout Outs in the series, there is no such weapon resembling the original BFG.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He's constantly this to Natalie.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Or re-friendship.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: His bomb in Bullet Heaven is this.
  • No Swastikas: His iconic uniform originally had swastikas instead of Iron Crosses.
  • Nuke'Em: One of the tank parts in 2 is a nuke. He then gets a nuke for a Limit Break in 3 (and it's expected to use this on low level enemies close to maximum level for one of the damage medals).
  • Putting on the Reich: His iconic outfit in the second game that can be reacquired late in the third game.
  • Token (ex?)Evil Teammate.
  • Tank Goodness: The Valkyrie tank he has in 2 and 3.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He was supposedly this in the second game, claiming to want to save the world by destroying it, or something similar. The rest of the party accept this.
    • To clarify, the partial destruction of the world due to events in the first game left everyone in chaos. Lance wanted to bring peace and order by basically eliminating all traces of a previous world government, taking over, and getting rid of any possible competition or obstacles via force if necessary. He is extremely extremist, but ultimately well-intentioned. The fact that he was so Easily Forgiven may have been a bit of a parody of Defeat Means Friendship. It certainly seemed like one.



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