< Enemy of My Enemy (fanfic)

Enemy of My Enemy (fanfic)/Awesome


  • The previously-innefectual 2LT Brambley suddenly revealing his hidden badassitude and scaring the shit out of an obnoxious Obstructive Bureaucrat.
  • The Hunter pair saving a group of human children from a Brute stealth-hunter pack.
  • Anything the Sangheili/Elite Rukth 'Kilkar does.
  • A Sangheili named Marikos is informed that the human's chaingun turret can't angle up high enough to shoot down enemy Banshees... so he rips it off its hinges, blows some Banshees out of the sky, and proceeds to carry the thing around like nothing for the rest of his time in the campaign.
  • The Brute-controlled Scarab getting shot in the face point-blank by artillery cannons, right after the Chieftain leading it bragged about being unstoppable.
  • The method that the humans use to kill another Brute-controlled Scarab.
  • And the method of killing another.
  • The showdown between Elite sniper Zerat and the Jackal sniper "Yik, Slayer of Men", both absurdly-skilled marksmen, and how Zerat kills him.
  • The final showdown between Elite Shipmaster Arume and Brute High-Chieftain Torikus.
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