It's the End of Civilization as we know it. A mutagenic plague followed by a global war fought with disintegration weaponry has left much of the Earth a desert of fine powder and what remains of humanity fragmented into humans, animal-like mutants and bloodthirsty monstrosities with lots of teeth. The surface, still teeming with the mutagenic virus, has become the domain of the dreaded Topsiders; well-organized, technologically advanced, and heavily armed un-mutated humans sworn to exterminate mutations of any kind in order to clear the way for the eventual resurgence of a new, genetically clean humanity. Faced with annihilation, mutants and "impure" humans have retreated into the depths of the planet to form communities and hope to win, or at least survive, what may prove to be mankind's final war. Endtown is the continuing story of one of those communities. (Authors description of Endtown, found on the gocomics site.)
In short, Endtown is an apocalyptic Web Comic by Aaron Neathery that enjoys making silly jokes, and contrasting its Funny Animals and many jokes with the fact that it's the END OF THE WORLD. Alternates between being a funny comic, a serious comic, and a really friggin scary comic.
The strip was originally hosted on Modern Tales. When it moved to its new home at Gocomics, Neathery pretty much wrapped up the then-current plot-arc and switched the focus of the action to a new set of characters; this was not a re-boot, and some of the original characters have been gradually re-appearing. So, anyone about to embark on an Archive Binge should probably start with the Modern Tales strips, then head over to Gocomics.
- Alliterative Name: Albert Anderson and Gustine Greene. Not to mention Wally Wallechinsky and Allie Alvarez.
- Apocalypse How: Probably class 2, depending on where you look.
- Barefoot Cartoon Animals: Gustine and Wally in the main cast.
- Body Horror: What happens to unlucky people who hit the virus.
- Disintegrator Ray: The primary form of weaponry.
- Florence Nightingale Effect: Holly to Wally.
- Fully Dressed Cartoon Animals: Several incidental characters, plus Captain Blackie Flask and Holly Hollister.
- Funny Animal: Being exposed to the mutagenic virus mutates you into either this, or something much worse.
- Gas Mask Mooks: All the bad guys are this. Justified in comic with the virus.
- General Ripper: Flask
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Professor Mallard in the main cast.
- Mood Whiplash: The entire comic is this, because it balances funny animals with how humans would actually react.
- Wetware CPU: Topsider computers, made from those mutants whom they capture instead of disintegrate. Such as "Petey".
- Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Wally and Petey manage to foil Flask's plan to explode the rocket they thought they were just sabotaging, killing an entire Topsider city. Only to find out not only was the rocket they were after was a decoy, it was specifically set up as a trap for Flask.