Endless World

Endless World is a Boys Love one-volume Manga created by Jaryuu Dokuro.
Ex-Delinquent Ikki starts working in a small restaurant after the owner saves his life. In there, Ikki meets Ryuu, who he later learns is the cousin of his old friend Toshimitsu.
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Tropes used in Endless World include:
- Accidental Murder: Toshimitsu kills a person while he's high, which earns him 10 years in prison.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Averted.
- Bi the Way: Toshimitsu; Ikki is somewhat surprised to find out that he slept with Ryuu.
- Death Equals Redemption: Toshimitsu places a call to Ryuu before he kills himself.
- Drugs Are Bad[context?]
- Driven to Suicide: Toshimitsu kills himself after a really bad drug trip.
- Final Speech: Toshimitsu gives one just before he jumps.
- Hallucinations[context?]
- Japanese Delinquents / Delinquents[context?]
- Jerkass: Toshimitsu.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Ikki might aspire to be this with Mineyama-san.
- Ikki and Toshimitsu in the past. They would even share women and have sex with them in the same room.
- Ho Yay: Ikki and Toshimitsu. And according to Ryuu, Toshimitsu was always talking about Ikki in a fond manner.
- Hope Spot: After Ryuu tells Ikki about Toshimitsu's death, a new chapter starts with Toshimitsu waking up from a bad dream which kinda leads us to believe that Ryuu got his death wrong. It turns out to be a sort of flashback that no one is having since we then witness his last drug trip, his last call to Ryuu, and his suicide.
- In-Series Nickname: Ikki is actually a nickname, and while he tells Ryuu that no one calls him that anymore, only the owner refers to him by his real name. Ikki also nicknames Ryuu and his friends Xiao Long Bao
- Interrupted Intimacy: Mineyama-san almost catches Ryuu and Ikki havind sex.
- Kissing Cousins: Toshimitsu and Ryuu.
- Kissing Under the Influence: Toshimitsu and Ikki.
- Love Triangle: A weird one between Toshimitsu, Ikki, and Ryuu; if Toshimitsu would have survived and met up with Ikki, it would have probably turned out to be a proper one.
- Marijuana Is LSD: Supposedly played straight in Ikki's past, and is discussed when Ikki tells Toshimitsu why he doesn't take drugs; Toshimitsu responds by saying that pot doesn't cause hallucinations.
- Meet Cute: Ryuu leaves a really bad first impression on Ikki, which leads to Ikki punching him.
- Playboy Bunny: Mostly appears in Toshimitsu's hallucinations.
- Posthumous Character: Toshimitsu has been dead for a few years in the start of the story, and while we only get to know him through flashbacks, he's arguably the most developed character in the manga.
- Reincarnation: The bird at the end is implied to be Toshimitsu.
- Second Love: Ryuu and Ikki might be this for each other.
- Shotacon: The mangaka doesn't give out an age when Ryuu stared sleeping with his cousin, but we can guess it was a case of this since Ryuu was definitively not a high school student.
- There Are No Therapists: Certainly not for Toshimitsu; Ikki and Ryuu have it a bit better.
- Those Two Guys: Ryuu's friends.
- Unable to Cry[context?]
- Victim Falls For Rapist: Toshimitsu was probably in love with Ryuu, and despite Toshimitsu constantly raping him, Ryuu falls in love with him.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Ikki and Toshimitsu.
- Whole-Episode Flashback: How we meet Toshimitsu.
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