< Enchantress From the Stars

Enchantress From the Stars/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: The guy who killed Ilura.
  • Moment of Awesome: Georyn stopping the whole load of a rock chewer in midair just with his telekinesis ability. No wonder the Imperials were impressed.
  • Nightmare Fuel: the whole idea that one has to help with one's own murder / capture just because doing otherwise would be against The Greater Good. The paralyser. The whole Imperial premise.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Why is it the sole female in the actual group that sacrifices herself early in the book? Disposable Woman much?
    • And why does Elana achieve the most by trying to commit suicide?
      • Generally Elana's attitude after capture is that of a martyr. Somehow "strong female charachter" should mean something else.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Political?: People actually assume that the relationship between the Federation and the Younglings is supposed to be an allegory for how 19th century scientists saw many non-white cultures as "primitive". Sylvia Engdahl even addresses this in her FAQ on the book series.
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