< Empire of the Ants

Empire of the Ants/Characters


103683 later 103

  • Asexual: litterally, in the two first book. Then she gets turned into a female.
  • Badass
  • Took a Level In Badass: more like several.
  • Genius Bruiser: from the Ants' perspective; she is despicted as big and strong by Ants' standards, but it's also pretty clear she is one of the smartest in her colony (at least in the two later books; she was more average before).
  • Only Sane Man: tends to be this amongst other ants. Ironically, the others ants often think she is insane.
  • Overly Long Name: initially; after defeating a bird in Book 2, she is granted a nickname by her subordonnates and referred as 103.


  • The Cassandra: The ants don't want to listen to him when he tries to warn them about the ant-slaughter he has witnessed, since he fails to bring proof. The ant Mibs didn't help.
  • Decoy Protagonist: he is the first ant character introduced in the book, and the one followed for most of the beginning of the story, making you think he might be the hero... until he is killed right toward the middle of the book.
  • Token Boy
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension: strongly hinted with 56. It didn't end well, even by Ants' standards.

56 later Queen Chli-Pou-Ni

  • God Save Us From the Queen: in the second book, at least from humans' perspective.
  • Fantastic Racism: to her, humans are "puny parasites" that need to be exterminated. Not that she had no reason to think so...
  • I Am a Humanitarian: she is forced to eat her own eggs to survive when she's starting to create her own colony.


Edmond Wells

Jonathan Wells

Jacque Melies

Laetitia Wells

Maximilien Linard

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