< Emmerdale


  • Critical Research Failure: British road signs are not in Helvetica font!
  • Jerkass Woobie: Robert Sugden.
    • Liv Flaherty: She lies, steals and cheats, and is pretty snarky to everyone around her; on the other hand, her parents split up when she was a child (once her mother realized that her father had been abusing her half-brother), her mother moved her to a new city and changed their name, and she seems for the most part to just want someone to show her some attention and affection.
  • Mary Sue: Cain Dingle instantly falls into bed with any woman he meets, acts violent towards men and is involved in almost every aspect of crime. He has yet to receive any comeuppance.
    • Definitely YMMV as of 2012 he has been put in hospital and has to go into physiotherapy to recover and his dad has finally kicked out of the house after numerous threats, most of his family are sick of him and he is very unpopular in the village for precisely the above reasons.
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