Emilie Autumn/YMMV
- Anvilicious / Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: Her wish for her live shows is to be an "anti-repression statement" and empowerment and You Are Not Alone. This involves shining a light on many sexist and demeaning things she's had to deal with in her life, such as not mocking suicidal tendencies/actions, not objectifying woman, mental health issues becoming a discussable topic and not allowing yourself to be put through crap and become defeated, in any way, to "fight like a girl" to get, really, anything you want.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: When EA found out that she had a Wikipedia page, she checked it out and found that the information on it was completely wrong, so she changed it to make it more accurate. About five minutes later, it was changed back and the person who changed it back was ranting about how whoever changed it was a moron who obviously didn't know her at all... so EA, years later after realizing many reporters used Wikipedia as their only refrence, got her fans to vandalize her Wikipedia page with the weirdest things they could imagine. And they did, just take a look.
- Telling off a rude audience member who kept calling out for "more girl kisses!" See This Is for Emphasis, Bitch on the main page.
- During the 2010 Europe tour, she tweeted about taking her top off at a gig, which she later explained was a big "fuck you" to a mostly drugged-up crowd who expected it to be a strip show.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Contessa leading everyone in prayer for
Veronica's virtuewhat's left of Veronica's virtue with repetition from Maggot.- This video, including the whole "this is not an accurate representation of what is going on behind the screen" scene and the following (which, with some variants, is a live show staple):
Emilie: Tell my beautiful Plague Rats why I had to yell at you today.
Veronica: Because I made out with Contessa.
The Crowd: *cheers*
Emilie: Repulsive. Is that all?
Veronica: Nope! I also made out with Aprella.
The Crowd: *cheers again*
Emilie: Disgusting. Is that all?
Veronica: No. Captain Maggots gave me some funny-tasting tea, and I ended up making out with her.
The Crowd: *cheers again*
Emilie: Maggots? Maggots, can I have some of that funny-tasting tea? My cup's on the harpsichord.
Maggots: *pours tea*
Emilie: No, I'll take that one, thanks.
Maggots: *gives tea to Emilie*
Emilie: Get out.
Maggots: *runs off*
Emilie: So. Let me get this straight. You were making out with Contessa, Aprella, and Captain Maggots, and you knew, all along, that you should have been doing what with that time?
Veronica: Making out with you?
- This:
Veronica: You know, Emilie taught me that if you swear, you can still sound ladylike by saying 'Indeed' after it. Let's give it a try! MOTHERFUCKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERS! ...indeed!
- Any time Emilie and Veronica are on stage together it's a potent combination of CMOF, Les Yay and Fetish Fuel.
- The following conversation:
Emilie: Aprella once shot a man's eye out from 60 miles away. And that's okay because...
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Lots. Basically any of her instrumentals on electric violin.
- Dominant deserves special mention.
- "The Art of Suicide" (a sarcastic examination and condemnation of the reasons people use for ending their lives) becomes this in spades with a little context, when you realize that the album "Opheliac" (where the song appears) was made as a substitute for suicide.
- I Know Where You Sleep, Thank God I'm Pretty, Opheliac.
- Unlaced, the entire album, it is entirely perfect arguably and tells a story for sure. What this story is, is open to debate...
- Fight Like A Girl gets special mention for the vocal evolution she goes through and the new sound she experiments with.
- Does Not Like Men: EA has been accused of this, especially with the dawn of the song "Fight Like A Girl"(I’ll get my revenge on the world or at least 49% of the people in it [1]).
- She has countered this by saying most of the album is open to her male fans and there is some lines about "If you're against this you're with me regardless of gender" lyrics. At least in the demo version before she started performing it.
- Also in the (recently released) studio version of Fight Like A Girl, there's the line 'Even if you're only a boy, you can fight like a girl.' Not perfect, but doesn't ENTIRELY hate men.
- One could also consider that the "49%" is not necessarily referring to the percentage of men there are in the world, but rather, to the fact that Emilie has more supporters on her side than those that are not:
- She has countered this by saying most of the album is open to her male fans and there is some lines about "If you're against this you're with me regardless of gender" lyrics. At least in the demo version before she started performing it.
"There are more of us than there are of you/So show me your worst!"
- Fridge Brilliance comes into play when it comes full circle, she's refer to woman as the stronger sex, while saying Fight Like A Girl which confuses people which is the POINT of the whole exercise...With the 49 per centile thing and the If Your Only A Boy thing.
- Ear Worm: Most songs from Opheliac, most notably:
- The pre-chorus and chorus of "Opheliac";
- The chorus of "Misery Loves Company";
- The chorus of "Shalott";
- The chorus of "Dead is the New Alive";
- The chorus of "Let the Record Show";
- The chorus if "It's Time For Tea";
- Basically, most of the choruses.
- Additionally, Unlaced.
- Ending Fatigue: on the album, the end of God Help Me is drawn out and repetitive for most of the second half of the song. Live, it's where the Crumpets get... ah, enthusiastic with their cups of tea and where Captain Maggots stage-dives.
- Fan Community Nicknames: "Muffins" and "Plague Rats".
- Fan Dumb: A number of fans attempt to emulate Emilie in a large number of ways, including claiming to have mental disorders.
- One fun game? Do a people search on Facebook for "Opheliac," "Emilie," "Autumn," "Plague," or "Muffin."
- Face of the Band: Despite Emilie being a solo artist, her live shows avert this. Most muffins can name at least the current line up of Bloody Crumpets - Aprella, Veronica, Captain Maggot, and Contessa - which is probably helped by them being introduced during the show. The former Crumpets tend not to have their names known as well however, though most fans can name at least Captain Vecona and Lady Joo Hee (who is the only Crumpet on any album).
- For the record, here's a list of Crumpets past and present: The Naughty Veronica (real name Veronica Varlow), Apnea, Little Lucina, Mistress of Sin, Ulorin Vex, The Lady Aprella, Lady Joo Hee, Centre of Happiness (real name Sarah Kim, now a cello teacher in Chicago), Captain Vecona, Mistress Maggot (real name Maggie Lally, also lead singer for "Insects vs. Robots"), The Blessed Contessa, Little Miss Sugarless (far left), and Jacinda (real name Jacinda Espinosa - who performed "Misery Loves Company" with Emilie and Lady Joo Hee on the WGN's Morning News (Janury 12th, 2006)).
- That Morning Show performance is also where the fan nickname of "Muffin" originated - Emilie wanted something to replace the Precision F-Strike in the song, so she asked for suggestions, and recieved "Muffin". The rest, as they say, is history!
- For the record, here's a list of Crumpets past and present: The Naughty Veronica (real name Veronica Varlow), Apnea, Little Lucina, Mistress of Sin, Ulorin Vex, The Lady Aprella, Lady Joo Hee, Centre of Happiness (real name Sarah Kim, now a cello teacher in Chicago), Captain Vecona, Mistress Maggot (real name Maggie Lally, also lead singer for "Insects vs. Robots"), The Blessed Contessa, Little Miss Sugarless (far left), and Jacinda (real name Jacinda Espinosa - who performed "Misery Loves Company" with Emilie and Lady Joo Hee on the WGN's Morning News (Janury 12th, 2006)).
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Owing much to her old label being German, Emilie did quite a bit of touring in Europe (5 tours since 2007) with Opheliac before getting to perform in North America at all and it wasn't until late 2009 that she could do a full tour. She knows it and gave a Shout-Out to the Hoff in a recent interview.
- Heartwarming Moment has it's own page
- Nightmare Fuel.
- "306", first the lyrics, then the deathly strings, then the "pick your instrument" then she stops singing at all...and then you can't walk anywhere alone for five days afterwards.
- "Liar", especially remixed (Angelspit and Metalocalypse) is flat out this.
- "Gothic Lolita" is simultaneously heartbreaking and incredibly disturbing, especially the ghostly chorus of "call off the search, we've found her."
- "4 O'Clock" is about a (mental disorder-related) inability to sleep.
- The screaming in the acoustic version of "Mad Girl," particularly the sudden scream of LIAR! that isn't in the electric one.
- Emilie as the Rat Queene [dead link] at the beginning of the show, for the tours from fall 2008 onward.
- "Organ Grinder." Gadzooks. Especially once you realize it's from the Saw soundtrack... "I paid for your silence" indeed.
- "In The Lake", especially when you read The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls, and find out that Emilie really did try to drown herself in the lake behind her boyfriend's house.
- Iron Woobie: Gets criticized and misunderstood from all sides, still here and still making magic.
- Woobie: still gets trolled on the internet by haters to this day and it still upsets her.
- Les Yay: The concerts are just dripping in this between everyone, and in the case of Veronica, that also applies to the girls in the audience.
- Sweet Dreams Fuel: Her poem "Ghost", of a woman who has fallen for and is being courted by a ghost. It's surprisingly sweet.
- "Remember", from Enchant, arguably qualifies.
- "Across The Sky" heals whoever listens to it.
- "Crazy He Calls Me" is kind of sweet in it's nuttiness.
- Her acoustic violin songs Revelry, Leclair-Tabourin and Vitali-Chaconne brings the sweet dreams too.
- "All My Loving" would also qualify.
- Scary Musician, Harmless Music / Mean Character, Nice Actor:
- She wears dreads, gothic clothing and puts out lots of songs related to bad things like death, rape and suicide. However, she has just as many meaningful songs, violin solos (some of which are electric, though) and some genuinely light and happy songs.
- Emilie's stage persona is that of a violent, insane girl locked in a Victorian madhouse. In Real Life, Emilie actually is mentally ill, but she is also a quiet, sweet Cloud Cuckoolander, bookworm and apparently a huge Star Wars geek.
- Squick: "Miss Lucy Had Some Leeches".
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: There were some opinions of this around the release of Opheliac and with Emilie's promises of the next album being more metal and violent, some are already worried about it being bad.
- The Asylum forum... dear God, the Asylum forum... just about every significant change has led to rage and fury from the muffins (the removal of the 'Filthy Libertines' subforum, the announcement that the 'Speak In Your Own Language' subforums would be made read-only, the chat's transformation, and the removal of every non-EA related subforum to say the least).
- Tear Jerker: Now has it's own page
- Memetic Mutation: LolEAs. And "Gothic Lolita" has its own Fauxtivational Poster, courtesy of Tumblr.
- Unfortunate Implications: Naturally she has come under fire for "excluding" males in her Fight Like A Girl song.
- Wangst: Compared to her other, much deeper songs about sadness/depression, "Willow" can come off as this.
I'm not unique in this
Nor am I special, sweet or kind
I court a thousand smiles
Yet I keep my own to hide behind
- ↑ the "49%" bit referring to the fact that women, despite their oppressed status, form a slight majority over men in many countries' populations)