Embric of Wulfhammer's Castle/Characters
This is a listing of characters from Embric of Wulfhammers Castle. It is very much a work in progress. Please remember to put all information not gleaned within the first ten minutes of meeting a character in spoiler tags. Thank you.
The Duchess Of Elstwhere
The good natured Duchess is the main character of the story. Betrothed to Embric of Wulfhammer, she has arrived in his castle to marry him, but he is nowhere to be found. Not one to let that get her down, she does her best to make friends, explore the surrounding countryside, and go on adventures.
- Can't Hold Her Liquor
- Chick Magnet
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Damsel in Distress: Lampshaded repeatedly, in that kidnappings only started happening once she entered the marque. In one path, she turns into a Decoy Damsel.
- Ethical Slut
- Face Heel Turn: The Black Duchess route; also a choice with ZEALOT.
- Genre Savvy
- Hero with Bad Publicity: Several of Wulfhammer's people don't trust her because they consider her Greyghast's heir.
- Interspecies Romance: In several different flavors.
- Ms. Fanservice
- Mayfly-December Romance: With Carmina and the Good Dwarf.
- No Name Given Her name is Cathrine.
- Princess Classic: More so than the actual princess! Provided you overlook her being sexually active, that is.
- Rape as Drama
- Really Gets Around
- Seer
- Spoiled Sweet
- Stripperiffic: If there is any excuse for the Duchess to end up in her underwear, it will happen.
- Victim Falls For Rapist
In The Marquess Of Notoriety
- Cyborg: Part Golem per the Iron Duchess+ ending.
- Faking the Dead
Bad King Greyghast The Terrible
The former monarch, uncle to the Duchess. As his name would imply, he was a horrible tyrant, before being overthrown by the Awesome Fellowship. While killed before the start of the game, we see just how evil he was during flashbacks.
Falwythwier Windgrace
The Awesome Fellowship's elven mage, and a very powerful spellcaster. She knows she's better than everyone else, and makes no effort to hide it. After all, they're just puny humans.
- Cultural Posturing
- Deadpan Snarker
- Fantastic Racism: Doesn't like most nonelves. Really hates Dark Elves.
- Hello, Nurse!: The sight of her naked once put an eleven-year-old through an instant puberty.
- Jerkass
- Interspecies Romance: Attracted to Embric.
- Mayfly-December Romance: Embric again.
- Shock and Awe
- Villain Shoes: For Duke Thermin's birthday party.
The Good Dwarf
The dwarf of the Awesome Fellowship. He does dwarfy things, like work metal and drink liquor. His hair changes color quite a bit.
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same
- Everyone Calls Him The Good Dwarf
- Funetik Aksent
- Interspecies Romance: The lone female is attracted to the Duchess, and Angus is a "Perveh Elf Fancier" who ends up with Elza.
- Legacy Character: There's seven of them, none of whom are the original Good Dwarf.
- Mayfly-December Romance: "I'll still love you when you're spoiling your grandchildren, and when they're spoiling theirs."
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: They're all a bit odd for dwarves, some more obviously than others.
- Sweet Polly Oliver: Well, one of them is.
Louni Quickfingers
The resident rogue of the Awesome Fellowship, she now functions as the de-facto sheriff of the marque, rounding up bandits and rescuing their captives. She starts off somewhat cold to the Duchess, but learns to appreciate what she brings to the castle.
- Defrosting Ice Queen
- The Chessmaster
- The Man Behind the Man
- Rescue Romance: Rescues the Duchess several times before falling for her.
Embric Of Wulfhammer
The heroic leader of the Awesome Fellowship, and bridegroom to the duchess. His absence drives the plot.
The Duchess' loyal butler. He is always available to dispense information.
- Eyes Always Shut
- Retired Badass: Used to adventure as a bard.
- Verbal Tic: Mmhm, quite.
The Duchess' personal maid in the castle, she's somewhat impulsive and clumsy, but has a good heart.
- Bodyguard Crush
- Cute Bruiser
- Does Not Know Her Own Strength
- Hilariously Abusive Childhood: Enslaved by harpies and forced to, among other things, polish mud.
- I Just Want My Beloved to Be Happy
- Ninja Maid
- Visions of Another Self
As of The Marquess of Notoriety
The castle's scullery maid, ever ready to give baths and do laundry. Is afraid that she's going to be fired for every little thing.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Eyes Always Shut
- Demonic Possession: Via demonic scotch.
- Love Redeems: Cares enough about the Duchess to promise not to end any bits of the world she'd miss.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Bunny aka Scheherazade
The owner of the Moon Rabbit Cafe on the castle's roof, she gives out potions of Cure Medium Wounds along with kisses. She's actually a lamia who uses the cafe in order to drain people's wisdom, but it's okay, since the status effect is only temporary.
- Anti-Anti-Christ: Isn't really a lamia, is really an echidna. If she mates, she's destined to spawn a race of monsters who will destroy the world. She's trying to avoid that.
- Friendly Neighborhood Lamias
A dark elf being held for ransom in the castle.
- Affably Evil: She's perfectly fine with the many atrocities Dark Elves have committed.
- Evil Laugh:All the dark elves, including Carmina, have a horribly creepy laugh.
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Double Standard Rape (Female on Female): She rapes the Duchess in her dreams, and is promptly forgiven for it. She claims it was an accident.
- Talking in Your Dreams
The Nereid
A nereid living in the castle, she is first discovered in the bath house. She really, really likes the Duchess, and doesn't grasp human concepts like "consent".
- Ascend To Another Plane Of Existence
- Interspecies Romance
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Making a Splash
- Our Mermaids Are Different
- Stable Time Loop
The young proprietress of the castle's inn, which has gained a reputation for debauchery. She is remarkably bright for her age, and will need help in rehabilitating the inn. One of the two main characters of The Marquess of Notoriety.
- Child Prodigy
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness
- The Strategist: Once she's grown up.
Grettel's older sister, who unfortunately does not share her intelligence. Becomes the embodiment of Huraine, goddess of chocolate, strawberries, and illicit sex.
Princess Arugula Aeresland
The daughter of the new king. The Duchess hates her guts, both because Princess Arugula is an airhead, and because she's an actual princess.
- Childhood Friend: Of both the Duchess and Duke Thermin, thus cannot bring herself to take a side.
- The Ditz
- Everything's Better with Princesses: although everything's mediocre when she's around.
- Princess Classic: Arugula is convinced that she's a fairy tale princess, that her Royal Blood makes her special, and that true love will carry her through anything. And it all works. The Duchess, normally nothing if not accommodating, just can't come to terms with this.
Duke Thermin
The snotty young duke, who likes being the center of attention and may or may not be evil.
Lord Vecnathrax
The Awesome Fellowship's archnemesis, and an ancient evil who's nothing but a skeleton.
- Affably Evil: Has a friendly conversation with the Duchess on the mountain.
- Omnicidal Maniac: Vecnathrax's is driven purely by his hatred of living things.
- Villain Decay: Invoked. He's so old that he's grow too senile to actually be a threat.