< Embers


  • Iroh gets several, between his Papa Wolf status and Amaya, who, while an interesting character in her own right, was clearly designed to act as a foil for Iroh and heighten his awesomeness by comparison. Far too often, OCs are Mary Sues who get the character because they're just that special, and even make the character look bad so they look better by comparison. It was incredibly refreshing, and a CMOA for both the character and the fic, to see Iroh rescue the girl because he's just that pimp awesome, and then ride off into the sunset on the Avatar's bison leaving her wanting more.
  • The escape by amphibious train.
  • In this troper's opinion, Kuei firmly takes his place as a character favorite by this: '"My ancestors may have been good, evil, or indifferent, but they were never charitable. I've read every agreement binding Ba Sing Se. I have to know what my people are bound to do." He ducked his head a little. "I tried to be a good king."' This proves that Kuei has what it takes to be not a good king, but a great king. By knowing and understanding his own people, Kuei is truly showing Earth's true heart: compassion.
    • Before this, Kuei's banishment of Wan Shi Tong and his servants from the Earth Kingdom.
  • Zuko's thoughts while the haima-jiao was trying to eat him:

I am Prince Zuko. Son of Ursa, and Fire Lord Ozai. I've faced fire, and betrayal, and the Avatar himself. Exile didn't kill me. The North Pole didn't kill me. Azula didn't kill me. One of us is going to die here. It's not going to be me!

"I have read about yāorén, Agent Shirong," Kuei said ruefully. "You need to train in fire, or someone's going to get hurt. And the only firebenders who've offered the Earth Kingdom aid, the only ones I'd trust with one of my Dai Li, are leaving." He smiled a little. "I know you all think I need to be protected. And I guess I do. But I also need to keep an eye on a great name. If I order you, will you go?"
He couldn't speak past the sudden lump of hope. Wordless, Shirong dropped to his knees.
"Get up, Agent Shirong," Kuei smiled. "Your family's waiting for you."

  • Um, nearly every plot of Azula belongs here. Although admittedly, your mileage may vary, since Zuko seems to mess quite a few of them up. Still, she does the same to his plots, so it's only fair.
    • Wresting her mind from her great-grandmother's grasp in the latest chapter.
  • Ty Lee getting mad at Zuko for possibly dooming her people by trying to kill Azula and airbending to send back all the stone shards at him and Shirong. And then, when Azula asks her why, her answer? "You're my friend. And you're smarter than Fire Lord Sozin and Azulon. They hunted my people. You take care of us." Which may double as Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, if such a thing can exist in regards to Azula.
    • Although she had help, Ty Lee used her airbending against Makoto in the latest chapter, in such a way that not even Aang knows how to do.
    • Ty Lee's set up of Azula's Heel Face Turn. As of ch. 50, Azula herself wants to overcome Evil Cannot Comprehend Good.
  • Chapter 60 where Katara finally stands up to Aang, telling him he's wrong about Hama, and driving it home to him what she really thinks of herself. The whole exchange between Sokka and Aang, once Sokka lost his patience with his friend:

"Aang." Sokka's voice didn't waver. But blue eyes narrowed with a determination that made Aang just a little uneasy. "I wish you were right, that talking fixed everything. I really, really wish you were. But we tried talking to Hama. We were with her a whole day. She knew two of us were Water Tribe; she knew we had a way to get into the Fire Nation. Which means she knew we had a way to get out. If she wanted to get away from the war, if all she wanted was to go home - all she had to do was ask us."
"Maybe she was too scared to ask," Aang shot back. "Maybe she knew you'd figure out she ran away. And she was scared, and she just couldn't!"
"This isn't about you."
Aang almost jumped into a defensive stance. Sokka... Sokka sounded angry. Not just mad, in a who-ate-the-blubber-jerky way. Angry.
"Hama was killing people." Sokka was breathing slow, like it hurt to; looking aside, past the flames. "We tried to talk to her. You tried to talk to her. She knew it was wrong. She was killing people because she could. Because she liked it. Because nobody knew how to stop her!" A low, hissed exhalation. "We stopped her. Maybe you don't like how we did it. Maybe none of us liked killing her, Aang, did you think about that? Because whatever she did, she used to be a person. And now she's dead, and she can't ever make up for what she did. That's one of the most horrible things I can think of. But there's something I can think of that's worse."

  • Chapter 65 is all Azula. Not only did she manage to stop the gAang with the fewest number of troops (some Home Guards and a handful of Onmitsu) with the minimum amount of casualties to the Fire Nation, she gave the Avatar a really good verbal smackdown...all without laying one finger on him. Azula actually decided to believe her brother and followed through with her plan. She may be a villain, and she may choose to be evil, but she remains a MagnificentBitch.
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