< Elephant in the Living Room
Elephant in the Living Room/Playing With
Basic Trope: An issue which is blatantly obvious, but no one wants to face it.
- Played Straight: Alice and Bob catch a mutual friend in the act of adultery, and spend the episode wondering how/whether to tell their friend (or the spouse) what they saw.
- Exaggerated: Alice and Bob's worrying causes inability to concentrate at work, perform in bed, eat, sleep, etc. Not to mention, every article they read or TV program they watch reminds them of the issue at hand.
- Justified: Some issues are easier to deal with than others.
- Inverted: Everyone knows something's wrong, but they can't figure out what.
- Subverted: Alice and Bob ultimately decide to tell their friends what they know.
- Double Subverted:
- But have second thoughts when one of them asks their cheating friend's spouse a Trial Balloon Question and hearing the answer.
- Alternatively, Alice tries to speak up, but Bob changes the subject or otherwise stops her.
- Parodied:
- Alice and Bob are sitting on the sofa trying to get their minds off this conundrum, when someone riding an elephant literally comes crashing through the wall and rides the elephant through the living room.
- Alternatively, Alice and Bob's day-to-day activities feature an elephant in the background.
- Deconstructed: Skating around issues just tends to make them all the more difficult to face.
- Reconstructed: Alice and Bob decide to just face the issue as diplomatically as possible, knowing it will be worse the longer they wait.
- Zig Zagged: Alice and Bob skirt around some issues and tackle others head-on.
- Lampshaded: See "Parodied." Also expect Alice to eventually turn to Bob and say, "We can't ignore this any longer."
- Averted: Everyone is honest and frank about whatever issues they deal with, and deals with said issues promptly.
- Enforced: Rule of Drama
- Invoked: Alice and Bob discuss the issue amongst themselves: should they tell their errant friend (or the friend's spouse) what they know and risk drama, or keep mum about it and risk someone finding out that they know?
- Defied: Alice and Bob march over to their friend's house and tell their friend what they saw.
- Discussed: "That is a problem..."
- Conversed: "Yeah. How are they gonna tell them?"
- Played For Laughs: Alice and Bob have just found out that their friend picks their nose and make a big deal about it when they're alone.
- Played For Drama: Alice and Bob have a Big Secret, such as the knowledge that a friend is cheating.
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