< Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors
Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors/Quotes
Fire lives the death of earth and air lives the death of fire, water lives the death of air, earth that of water.—Maximus of Tyre
Take a Normal type like Jigglypuff
Until you get ground out by a Marowak!
Against a Ghostly Gengar, the battle's real tough
Thunderbolt's a good electric attack,—What kind of Pokémon are you?
Durr, I'm being attacked by a lady made of fire who is swinging swords made of fire in a volcano full of fire! Oh no! She's throwing fire! What kind of magic spell to use? ...fire? No, that's stupid! Man, this game is hard! Hey, you know what might work is ice, and hey, I just bought an ice-sword in the last town! What a coincidence! And oh my God, it works! Wow, it's like some really complex, intricate puzzle that you have to be a genius to figure out!
"Water summons wind. Wind makes fire dance."
"Haha, rock beats airbender!"—Avatar: The Last Airbender in an actual game of Elemental Rock Paper-Scissors.
"It's super effective!"—Every Pokémon game ever.
"Fight fire with ice, I always say! …Or… at least I'll be saying it now."—Danny Phantom, Boxed Up Fury
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