Element Hunters
It's 2029 and the earth is rapidly deteriorating thanks to the sudden dissapearance of the elements. Scientists have determined that all the elements are vanishing and reappearing on an Alternate Universe known as the Nega Earth. The Element Hunters are created in order to go to Nega Earth, retrive the lost elements, and save the world.
Element Hunters is an Edutainment Show aimed towards kids in an effort to try and teach them about chemical elements. Of course, turning all the elements into cute little Mon probably helps too.
The often used, short, definition is: Pokemon meets Chemistry.
Tropes used in Element Hunters include:
- Action Girl: Chiara, Ally and Hannah.
- Adults Are Useless: Subverted, the majority of the adults in this show are either the ones calling the shots, running the show, or they're just Magnificent Bastards.
- Also kinda played straight, since the only ones who can enter Nega Earth and DO stuff are the kids.
- Alien Animals: The QEXs. They all tend to look like regular animals except with drastic alterations in size, color, and deadlyness.
- Alternate Universe: The Nega Earth
- Amazing Technicolor Wildlife: Again, all of the QEX. But they're not from Earth so it's ok.
- (Apocalypse Wow: the last two episodes. Which just happens to feature full scale destruction of several cities and just about every natural disaster in the book.) But it's still kid-friendly as possible!
- Artificial Human: Juno
- Brilliant but Lazy: Tom would rather spend his time collecting rocks than saving the elements.
- Catch Phrase: Just smile with Mirai Orange!
- Chekhov MIA: Remember that random flashback at the begining of the 3rd episode? You know...the one that has a little girl screaming out at the ocean ( "The earth should just dissapear!")?
- Cheerful Child: Ren
- Children Are Special: Children are also the only ones who can save the earth from disintgrating.
- Child Soldiers: All of the children on the colony are basically being trained and stock piled by the government to be element hunters.
- (Deus Ex Hologram :Just as it looks like our heroes are out of options, Aimee Carr commands them to imagine her a physical body so she can stop her five-year-old self from destroying the rest of the world.)
- Clothes Make the Superman: The element hunters are basically useless without their Booster Wear.
- Edutainment Show
- Eyecatch: Every episode features one of these with one of the main characters chasing after a different element Mon.
- Free-Range Children: For a world that's supposedly on the brink of destruction the kids in this show get a lot of freedom to run about where they please. One episode subverts this when Ren's mother finally starts questioning where in the hell her son is going for so many hours of the day.
- Gag Sub: The first episode's troll subs that circulated faster than the actual subs.
- Heel Face Turn:(When Hannah Weber finally starts rebelling against her father's orders.)
- Heroic BSOD: (After Ally gets eaten/dissolved/killed (apparently) by the giant plant QEX, Ren goes into one, thinking the whole thing was his fault. She got better, though.)
- Idiot Hero: Also Ren
- Idol Singer: Hannah.
- Invisible to Adults: The entire world 'Nega Earth' is 'unavailable to adults in Element Hunters due to needing a particular portion of the brain which decays once they reach a certain age, and only shows up in a select few children. The adults are still far from useless though.
- Jerkass: Rodney starts out as this, although he turns out to be a Jerk with a Heart of Gold who genuinely cares for the well-being of civilians and wants to improve the conditions on Earth.
- Little Miss Snarker: Combined with her Tsundereness Chiara is usually the first one to point out the faults when Ren has a plan.
- Les Yay:
- Chiara's rivalry/admiration towards Ally apparently gets interpreted as this.
- Near the end of the series (Ally and Juno.)
- Not to mention Homi's actions toward Tom edge into the Ho Yay territory.
- Lethal Chef: Ally, to the horror of the Earth Team.
- Magical Security Cam: Apparently there is technology to visually see the memories of the characters. This is used during their superiors' briefings and reviews of episodes, giving at least three perspectives of events usually.
- Needs More Love
- Not Quite Dead: Ally Connolly.
- Monster of the Week: Made of elements!
- Mirror Universe: The Nega Earth is actually an alternate version of earth that all the elements are dissapearing to.
- Official Couple: Like you didn't see this coming, (Chiara and Rodney) ( The last episode hammers the point home by showing Rodney picking up Chiara for a date. Via helicopter.)
- Ominous Latin Chanting:(Does it still count as ominous when there's a giant dragon thing leveling an entire town?)Or is it just redundant?
- Parental Abandonment: ( followed by a natural disaster inadvertently is the cause of all the element dematerialization.)
- Puppy Love: Nearly any main pairing, as the main characters are all children. Special mention goes to Chiara and Rodney, whom the second half of the series spends a large portion of time just pointing out this pairing.
- Separated at Birth: Homi and Hannah.
- Scenery Porn
- Spoiled Brat: Hannah Weber, although spoiled Idol may be more appropriate. (Later it's revealed that Hannah's nothing more than a tool for her adoptive father to use.)
- Team Spirit
- The Chosen One: The Earth Team.
- The End of the World as We Know It: Is what the Element Hunters were created to prevent.
- Tsundere: Chiara and Hannah could possibly count too.
- Two Guys and a Girl: And surprisingly, no romance between them. At least, as long as we're not talking about people on the same team...
- Wake Up, Go to School, Save the World: also known as, Wake up, Go to school, Keep the World from Disintegrating.
- X Meets Y: When it was first announced most people wrote it off as just Pokemon with Chemistry. (As it turns out, the element Mons are more like mascots than anything else.)
- Elements Do Not Work That Way: Usually, anyways. But many of the methods used to capture the elements could also be seen as Did Not Do the Research or Critical Research Failure, depending on your level of cynicism.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness:(What Hannah's adoptive father tells her once she refuses to kill Ally and interfere with the mission to save the Earth.). Beforehand, we have(Ally Connolly, who's apparent death on the Nega Earth was staged to look like an accident because she had outlived her usefulness.)
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