< Electric Wonderland

Electric Wonderland/YMMV

  • Non Sequitur Scene: The part of "Deviantaaargh" when the NFP staff meets an avatar resembling a stick figure version of JJ from Good Times.
  • Fridge Brilliance: In "The New Adventures of the Nettropolis Narvel," why did Narvel have to kiss Vicky twice before they could escape the Sim Life? Narvel and Vicky shared their first kiss while she only loved him for selfish reasons, but Narvel kissed Vicky a second time after she decided to put his needs before her wants, which apparently restored enough of her purity for her to become Girl Friday again.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Shroomy crosses this in "Shrooming With Shroomy", after pushing Nina Wing out the window.
  • Nausea Fuel: The first three panels of this page of "Valentine's Day Massacre". Paltridge based them on a comic one of his readers actually made and sent him.
  • The Woobie:

"Deviantaaargh" Description: Can't a girl dressed like a mushroom get any respect in this world?

Lululu: I gotta have my job back!
Trawn: And if you find something else that distracts you, are you just going to disappear without any warning again?
Lululu: Probably. But if you don't feed me, who will?
(Trawn makes a remorseful expression, then a Face Palm)
Trawn: Good enough...welcome back.

    • Trawn has her dreams of becoming a famous journalist shot down after her desire to share harsh truths clashes against corporate media's attitude.
    • NJ also has some crushed hopes. These feel especially pitiful in the Whole-Episode Flashback "The Time That People Forgot", when a vocational test's results (claiming he'll become a cartoonist someday) leave him in doubt about his future.
    • Natasha seemed hard not to pity when she grew up unable to overcome Nathaniel Wing's shadow.
  1. The scene in that second link came after Aerynn helped Shroomy realize Parker doesn't really love her.
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