
Here. A memory-loss game, where characters are reborn into the world of "Edensphere", which just happens to be a giant tree, with no memories and no clue of who they are save what was in their birth dream.

Tropes used in Edensphere include:
  • Aerith and Bob: Look at the core members of the Spamily. We have Genius, Youth, Bell, Fred, and Derrick. Auxiliary members include Gene-1, Lotus, Rogue (Leader), and, arguably, Boss.
  • Amnesiac Dissonance: Fairly common. Characters show up wiped of their histories, with only whatever happened in the birth dream and any inherent personality traits and Character Tics.
  • Ax Crazy: There have been several of these, unfortunately. A disproportionate number of them seem to find work at the butcher's shop, to the point where the shop now offers a substantial monthly bonus for not killing anyone in hopes of attracting some employees who aren't dangerously insane.
  • Blue and Orange Morality: The CPA.
  • Butt Monkey: Any of the characters can have a nasty streak of misfortune when their mundane decides to take advantage of various "events", the state of the Wilderness, and player plots. Cloud's mundane admits to liking how he reacts to pain and adversity.
    • Paladin's mun has, in the month of June, had him participate in Dudesels In Distress and end up tied naked to a rock, wake up in someone's bed during Masters-Apprentices, aaand he's going to the Silent Hill wilderness. Twice.
  • Cast Herd: There are several "families" or "harems". And the butcher's.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Most of the Hedonism Brigade is this type of pervert, or the Lovable Sex Maniac variety.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Probably the only character who gives a first impression of any kind of idiocy who isn't is Boss. Probably.
  • Curiosity Killed the Cast: There's a metaplot. Learning too much about it tends to result in the curious character dying, either because of the tree itself or an attack of the giant wildlife.
  • Epileptic Trees: Characters tend to come up with these to explain various goings-on. The idea that everyone is a clone is starting to rise.
  • Death Is Cheap: In most cases - the exceptions are when players drop a character and have them die rather than vanish - after at least three days the character is reborn with a new birth dream, possibly losing some prior memories as well.
    • Subverted these days. A loss of some kind is required after most player-initiated deaths, be it memories or a body part.
  • Dynamic Entry: A good way to impress Handmaiden.
  • Dysfunction Junction: Most events in Edensphere are opt-in and can largely be ignored if a player so chooses. Ironically, a few opt-in events have caused far more drama/trauma game-wide (through multiple player-driven plots) than the single biggest event in the game that could not go unnoticed (The Great Sphereferno, see Moment of Awesome).
    • These events are: Evil Twins (original flavor or redux), Revolving Reveries (Sir No Longer Appearing In This Game), and Radio Memories (January 2011).
    • While There Are No Therapists, the reason these clustered player-run plots usually affect the whole game is that if you aren't in direct line of the drama/trauma, you're probably a friend of someone who was.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Brianna / Handmaiden after her death. Veda after an encounter with Fred's evil twin.
  • Four-Star Badass: All of the current captains of combat-heavy jobs: Bastet (Guard), Stoneface (Watch), Kiba (Adventurers), Locket (Adventurers), and Target (Adventurers).
  • Gender Blender Name: Fred. Leading to some very amusing moments.
  • Genre Savvy: Some very entertaining 4th Wall moments in the game.
    • During any Zombie Invasion, characters from a Near Earth universe generally pipe up with specialized Zombie Survival Tactics they learned via modern media. In 2010, this was primarily Above and Genius.
    • Upon being asked by Kurayami why he liked her, Smoke remarked: "What, you want some sappy monologue about being The One? Like hell you'd believe that coming from me anyway." Given the context of the rest of the log, it might also be considered a bit of lampshading.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: A previous butcher, an OC named Fenrir, killed people, chopped them up, and sold the pieces as meat. Discovering this drove Stoneface (Sam Vimes) to be sick. These days, while it's run by a total Dysfunction Junction and it's lucky everyone can heal, it is better.
  • Incurable Cough of Death: Although due to the nature of the Tree, it's more like "incurable cough of indefinite non-lethality."
  • Heterosexual Life Partner: Sky and Bridge, Castor and Pollux, Eyepatch and Zombie, Genius and Derrick... there are more of these than actual pairings. Some, though not all, are either between canonmates or people who were "born" at the same time, therefore are twins
  • Ho Yay: Of course! Notably, there was a Wright and an Edgeworth who managed to keep up the UST for ages without ever actually doing anything.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Everyone. People remember how to speak and function, they may remember things like the name of their homeworld and, say, that Disneyland exists, but they don't remember who they are, what they did, who their friends were, or anything of the sort. Memories of single scenes can be regained through memory crystals.
  • Line-of-Sight Name: Characters name themselves, often based off of something they saw in the dream, sometimes from something shouted in it. Lampshaded when a shapeshifting OC, Grift, turned into a surfer who called himself Board.
  • Meaningful Rename: Characters can get their old names back via memory crystals, and many of them start calling themselves these.
  • Naked on Arrival: New characters break out of cocoons Covered in Gunge.
  • Name's the Same: Characters name themselves, usually based off of their dream. Inevitably some are the same. Crow and Crow and Ghost and Ghost were around at the same time; others never met. Those include Trust and Trust, Sniper and Sniper, and plenty of Angels.
    • Bonus hilarity occurred during the 2011 New Year's date auction, when Marbles ended up winning/being won for dates with both Kings.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: Just look at this from when Paladin and Stoneface visited Silent Hill.
  • Platonic Life Partners: Fred(Romana) and any members of her "harem" tend to count.
  • Split Personality Takeover: P/Raise and Zombie both had highly evil split personalities who did this.
  • The Other Darrin: Sort of. If a character is canon updated or dropped and taken by someone else they are born with no memories of their life in the Sphere. They have a different dream and usually name themselves differently, too. The others very much do notice, though.
    • The big example is poor Neil Dylandy/Lockon Stratos. He's been born as Sniper, Range, and now Aim, and in every incarnation he's worked in the weapons stall. In two incarnations he's been involved with Bastet, but in the third she's decided not to bother.
  • Official Couple(s): Sky and Inara, Youth and Bell, Kiba and Kazahana
  • Only One Name: Most characters, at least until they recover their old ones.
  • Papa Wolf: You don't mess with Koi's family, adopted or not.
  • Smoking Is Cool: So cool, it's the name of the local hang-out (a bar). Also applies to every smoker ever in the game.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Lin to the point she's become an in-character joke - and not just by stalking Bastet, but Castor as well!
  • Team Pet: For a while, Derrick lent couch space to Boss while telling his roommate that Boss was this. He wasn't sure if Boss was either that stupid or an epic Troll. After a line was crossed, he kicked Boss out.
  • Translator Microbes: The language geas means that everyone's primary language is English. Much funtimes laughing resulted when the geas malfunctioned in an event.
  • Troperrific: That, or some of the players are tropers.
    • Well, someone has to edit this page.
  • Tyke Bomb: Daitou is one, and arguably so was Blood.
  • When Trees Attack: Also known as "getting Treeshanked, should your character cross a particular line against The Powers That Be.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: Verrry common. Currently? Dash, Cross, Zombie, Pollux, Cloud, Eternity, Koi, Bell... sometimes Paladin... Poor, poor Dyad (post-crazy Allelujah Haptism) had an unfortunate tendency to see them from behind and think they're his dream girl.
  • Who's on First?: Not uncommon. Of special interest was Nobody.
  • World Tree: The Great Oak.
  • Your Universe or Mine?
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