< Eddsworld


  • One of the best ones was the 'Personal Hells' section in Hello Hellhole. Edd got a broken coca-cola machine, Tom was stuck with a black man (Wait a minute I'm not racist) FROM OUTER SPACE!!!, Matt got stuck in a room full of Edd clones, and Tord got a karaoke machine that wouldn't stop playing 'Sunshine, lollypops and Rainbows...'
  • Don't forget Edd and Tord in Zombeh Nation!

Edd: We need to find a way to break down this gate...I say we throw Tom at it.
Tord: Sounds good to me!

  • From Zanta Claws II:

Matt: Wait a minute! How can a CAR fly?!
The car stops and falls onto a passing plane.
Pilot: We appear to be experiencing some minor turbulence; so please note that the seatbelt sign-- wait. Do you ever wonder how planes can actually fly? I mean, they're pretty heavy and... Uh-oh.
That plane promptly proceeds to fall out of the sky, only to land on another passing plane.
Second Pilot: We appear to be experiencing some minor turbulence...
A plane lands with at the North Pole Airport ("you might need a coat") with five other planes on top of it, including the car, each having questioned the flying capabilities of the machines.

Edd: Remember where we parked the car...

Tord: Okay, how can this get any worse?
A Speaker emerges from the wall
Speaker: Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows...
Tord: Son of a-

  • Tom's reaction to (and subsequent shotguning of) Skeleton Tord from Zombeh Attack 3 left this troper in stiches for weeks.
  • Comic 61 "Burger"

Matt: You know, I think I fancy a burger...
Edd: What the hell kind of porn do you look at?

  • And in the toon "Moving Targets".

Edd: Sir! Can I call you Hilary, sir? *Cat Smile*

    • And in the toon Hello Hellhole

Edd: Can we call you Lucy? *Cat Smile*

  • From Hello Hellhole:

(The group walks up to the desk for "Personal Hells)
Lucifer: (looks up from magazine, sighs) Always tourists. Never Girl Scouts.

  • The beginning of WTFuture:

Tom: Ugh, this rain is so annoying.
Edd: You're so annoying.
Tom: Yeah, well, I hope it ends soon.
Edd: I hope you end soon.
Tom: Agh, I'm getting soaked.
Edd: You're getting soa-- (Beat) And you're ugly as well.
Tom: As ever, Edd, your sense of humor never ceases to amaze me.

Edd: Was that an insult?

Tom: You figure it out.

(They walk away, and as they leave, an older Edd generates on the sidewalk.)

Future Edd: Finally after many years, I return. Now it's time to-- wait. ...That was an insult!

  • "Obligatory Building Montage".
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