This Page is for the Dragonmarked Houses, the Fantasy Counterpart to Mega Corp.
Needs More Tropes
House Cannith:
A human dragonmarked house with the Mark of Making, where all the magic ideas and is the reason why this setting have Magitek, there House was at Cyre, but got messed up by the Day of Mourning. They also run the Tinkers Guild and the Fabricators Guild.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: The world’s best war profiteers or a bunch of raving lunatic scientists doing what they do to just to push SCIENCE forward.
- Merrix d'Cannith, head of one of the major factions in the house, manages to be both of these things at the same time.
- The Engineer.
- Goggles Do Something Unusual: Cannith Goggles help in magic item creation.
- Magic Tool.
- Magitek: Some of them make them.
- Ridiculously-Fast Construction.
- Science Hero or Science Is Bad.
House Deneith
A human dragonmarked house with the Mark of Sentinel, they are Teams of Mercenaries. They run the Blademarks Guild and the Defenders Guild for bodyguards.
House Ghallanda
A halfling dragonmarked house with the Mark of Hospitality, they keep your hero Shelter and Fed. They run the Hostelers Guild.
- Trauma Inn: It's their job.
House Jorasco
A halfling dragonmarked house with the Mark of Healing, they heal you team when they are down. They run the Healers Guild.
- Healing Hands: They do have the Mark of Healing, you know.
House Kundarak
A dwarven dragonmarked house with the Mark of Warding, they run the Banking Guild and the Warding Guild.
- The Alcatraz / Prison: The large island Prison of Dreadhold.
House Lyrandar
A half-elven dragonmarked house with the Mark of Storm,they run the Raincallers Guild and the Windwrights Guild.
- Cool Boat and Cool Airship: They run them both.
- Global Airship
House Medani
A half-elven dragonmarked house with the Mark of Detection.
House Orien
A human dragonmarked house with the Mark of Passage, they are the control (Land) travel and teleportation. They run the Couriers Guild and the Transportation Guild.
- Cool Train: The Lightning Rail
- Teleporters and Transporters
House Phiarlan
A elven dragonmarked house with the Mark of Shadow, they work in entertainment and Espionage
House Sivis
A gnome dragonmarked house with the Mark of Scribing, they help work on translation.
House Tharashk
A human and half-orc dragonmarked house with the Mark of Finding.
House Thuranni
A elven dragonmarked house with the Mark of Shadow.
House Vadalis
A human dragonmarked house with the Mark of Handling, they help in the calming and controlling of animals.
House Tarkanan
Not really a part dragonmarked house, but are for the aberrant dragonmarks.
- Bad Powers, Bad People
- Nebulous Evil Organization
- Heel Face Turn: In fourth edition, Tarkanan is portrayed in a far more positive light.
House Vol
A elven dragonmarked house with the Mark of Death, a Dead House that was wiped out by the other houses. Only one person has this Mark of Death, and that is Lady Vol, but do to her being a Undead Lich, she can't really use it.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: If you shorten Erandis the lich's name, it would be E. Vol.