Eat the Bomb

A character eats a bomb (or anything explosive), unknowingly or not, and the resulting explosion will either cause death, slight indigestion, or nothing at all. May be intended as Bomb Disposal.

For a more weaponized version (such as Video Game Boss Battles), see Feed It a Bomb.

See also Dinner Deformation.

Examples of Eat the Bomb include:

Anime & Manga

  • Mr. 5 from One Piece, due to being immune to explosions thanks to having eaten the Bomu Bomu no Mi (Bomb Bomb Fruit) not only can eat bombs but also "taste" the quality of the explosive.
  • Majin Bu does this in Dragon Ball GT, neutralizing one of the Baby's attacks that threatened to destroy the city by swallowing it whole. Also doubles as Heroic Sacrifice, since it ends up blasting him from inside.
  • Toriko has to eat a Nitro Cherry in one of the latest chapters. If the explosive is left inside, it's the equivalent of eating a stick of dynamite. Due to Coco's fortunetelling and smart thinking, Toriko had eaten something beforehand that softened the impact of the explosion, but it still caused considerable internal damage. He got better.

Comic Books

  • In one Super Goof comic, the Beagle Boys try to get rid of Super Goof by feeding him an exploding peanut. It causes him to swell up like a balloon and then expel the explosion in a huge belch.
  • Matter Eater Lad pulled this stunt, long ago, in the DCU's Legion of Super-Heroes comic.


  • In Agent Cody Banks, the titular young hero chucks a cube of ice, containing nanites capable of melting through any substance, which ends up right down the Big Bad's throat. The subsequent outbreak ends up destroying the whole base.
  • The Mask has the "slight indigestion" version.

"That's a spicy meat-a ball!"

  • Hot Shots Part Deux has Charlie Sheen's character tossing a pineapple grenade at an enemy soldier. It lands in his mouth and he reflexively swallows it and blows up.
  • Casino Royale 1967 ends with Evil Overlord wannabe Woody Allen tricked into swallowing his pill-size bomb, and blowing everyone up.
  • Casper does this in his second live-action film to prevent his home from being blown up.
  • In The Tuxedo, the Big Bad accidentally swallows not an explosive, but an insect carrying lethal bacteria. Which turn him into a withered husk within seconds.

Live Action TV

  • Torchwood: Children of Earth has the horrible death followed by slow painful regeneration version.
  • On She Spies during the Cold Open Cassie swallows a bomb so that the bad guys will untie them. Cue Opening Credits—which Cassie interrupts. "Hello? I just swallowed a bomb here!"
  • One episode of Lexx has the Lexx, a huge organic spaceship, being infiltrated by a saboteur with a nuclear bomb. The bomb detonatesinside Lexx, but fortunately it is much too tough to sustain any damage. "I think I have eaten something hot," it mutters.
  • Happens in the pilot episode of Lois and Clark; Superman eats a bomb to save a space mission from disaster.
  • Whose Line Is It Anyway?: Colin Mochrie did it in an "Impossible Mission" game.


Eccles: Ooh! A big red cylindrical cigar with a wick on the end! (Sound of inhaling smoke; sound of enormous explosion) Mm, strong.

Video Games

  • One of the classes in Battlefield Heroes has a skill called I Eats Grenades. Not only that, he gets HEALED by eating grenades in this fashion.
  • Wild Tickers in Gears of War 3 can eat grenades (friendly or enemy) and deliver them to the enemy at the cost of their own life. They can also eat spare ammo.
  • Kirby: When Kirby eats a bomb, he just gets Bomb powers. (Unless, of course, it's the Egg Catcher minigame from Kirby's Adventure.)
  • Kirby, King Dedede, and Wario can eat explosive items in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, though that will hurt them (And in Wario's case, anyone who's standing too close to him).
  • On the menu of Wario Ware Touched!, you feed a bomb to Wario-Man to change him back to Wario (to access Wario's levels).
  • A DS game called Zubo showed a character having a move called bomb burp.
  • In Super Mario World, Yoshi can eat Bob-Ombs even mid-explosion without adverse consequences.
  • In The Legend of Zelda, this is the way you defeat (King) Dodongo.

Web Comics

  • Happens in Schlock Mercenary, when Schlock eats a Plasma-Grenade. Being a Carboscilicate Amorph, he's incredibly tough, reforms if torn apart, and keeps his mind and memory distributed throughout his entire structure. Plasma, however, is one of the very few things that CAN hurt him, and the resulting explosion destroys 80% of his body, leaving him with a childlike mind and few remaining memories. He does, however, manage to save his two friends, who were in the same room as him, since his body absorbed most of the energy from the explosion. Also, he gets better when he travels back in time and merges with his old, non-blown-up self.
  • In A Girl and Her Fed, Ben takes care of a grenade this way.

Western Animation

  • In SpongeBob SquarePants, Squidward thinks he accidentally fed Spongebob a bomb shaped like a pie. He spends the rest of the day trying to make Spongebob's last day the best ever, only to find out Spongebob was saving the pie for later. He then drops it and it explodes in their faces.
  • Upchuck in Ben 10. He can eat anything, universe destroying explosives included.
  • Transformers Animated: Slag Snarl swallows a missile, which explodes within him to no effect.
  • Rico from The Penguins of Madagascar, and he's able to regurgitate it with fuse. The aptly named episode "All Choked Up" actually revolves around what happens when he can't spit up an activated bomb thanks to Alice's medicine.
  • Bender in Futurama puts a bomb in his belly to save his friends while attacking the ball planet. Being a robot, Bender has his entire chest cavity stretched out to double its original size, and after some extensive repairs is good as new.
  • Looney Tunes: the Tasmanian Devil gobbles down an assemblage of dynamite Bugs passes off as Wild Turkey Surprise. Result - a second of distension, mild indigestion, and a polite "pardon".
  • In the Sam and Max cartoon, they're escorting a criminal on a plane who manages to escape, leaving behind a bomb. Sam orders Max to dispose of it while he's chasing the criminal down; Max eats it and then ducks into the overhead compartment to contain the explosion. Being Sam And Max, he's somehow okay after this.
  • A very strange version in The Tick (animation). Instead of a bomb, it's a loaf of bread which is designed to swell to enormous sizes and destroy the building it's placed inside. Tick eats it, then has to keep punching it (i.e. himself) as it tries to expand out of his body until he can digest it. It gives him indigestion.
  • In the early Homestar Runner animation "Marshmallow's Last Stand", Strong Bad actually shoves a bomb into Homestar Runner's mouth during a fight and kicking him in the abdomen. Homestar, as a result of the bomb exploding inside his stomach, as well as the fact that he ate too many marshmallows earlier in the animation, actually pukes on Strong Bad, and as a result he wins the fight.
  • One episode of American Dad has Stan get an invite which he is told he must memorize within the next ten seconds. He does so, then eats the paper. He is then informed that the paper will self-destruct. Everyone else's paper crumbles into ash, and Stan breathes a puff of smoke.

Stan: I'm pooping blood tonight.

  • At the end of Donald Applecore, Donald Duck loads an agricultural helicopter with explosives to get rid of Chip and Dale, who has been eating all of his apples, but as he is gunning down the two chipmunks, one of the explosives lands inside a chicken coop and is eaten by one of the chickens, who then immediately lays an egg... ...a ticking egg that then explodes and destroys the entire apple orchard, leaving behind an extremely huge and extremely deep hole in its place, causing Donald to fall inside the hole and wind up in China upon falling out the other end.
  • In Legion of Super Heroes, as a Mythology Gag to the comics, Matter Eater Lad pulls out a ticking bomb in his Legion audition and proceeds to eat it, swallowing the timer last. He suffers no ill effects and, incidentally, gets the job.
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