Eat My Dust

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    Stock Phrases used in situations involving racing or being chased. Variants with involve substitutes for the "Dust" part.

    Examples of Eat My Dust include:


    • In Finding Nemo, Marlin telling Dory "You're about to eat my bubbles!"
    • Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, A gazelle mocks Diego after outrunning him.

    Gazelle: Eat my dust, dingo!

    Clark Griswold: I'm going to pull around them... Burn some dust here. Eat my rubber!
    Rusty Griswold: Dad, I think you mean burn rubber and eat my dust.
    Clark Griswold: Whatever, Russ.

    • Year One: While Cain is trying to flee his father Adam on a slow-moving camel:

    Cain: Eat my dust, father!

    • This is the title of a Roger Corman film starring Ron Howard, who only agreed to star in it after Corman promised to let him direct a later film.

    Video Games

    • Nintendo game Eliminator Boat Duel features character "Vicious Vicky". Right before the second race against her, she says, "We're gonna have a drag [race] and you're gonna eat my wake!"
    • One of the lines said by the Scout in Team Fortress 2.
    • Sega Genesis game Road Rash 3: When you place poorly in a race, you'll sometimes be treated to another racer telling you, "I was trying to get you to eat my dust, but it settled before you got there."

    Western Animation

    • SpongeBob SquarePants, "The Fry Cook Games": when SpongeBob gives Patrick this line, Patrick responds with "I'll be eating my own dust!"
    • Transformers Prime: said by Knock Out when he was pursued by Arcee with Vince as his hostage.
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