< Easy Evangelism
Easy Evangelism/Playing With
Basic Trope: Nonbelievers are converted with no trouble at all.
- Straight: Alice is talking to Bob about a religion known as Troperism. A few sentences into her explanation, Bob converts.
- Exaggerated: Alice lands on a desert island and speaks a few words about Troperism. The whole island converts.
- Justified:
- Alice is an Manipulative Bastard who works with Troperism, and Bob is at a bad place in his life. Alice's words hooks him instantly.
- Bob is extremely fickle, and is prone to sudden, sweeping change.
- Bob and Alice had been talking a lot in the past about Troperism, and this was the final conversation before Bob converted.
- Inverted: Even after Alice gives incontrovertible proof that Troperism is the one true religion, Bob still refuses to convert.
- Subverted:
- Alice says a few sentences, Bob says "is that it?" and leaves.
- It's implied that what we hear of their conversation was the tail end, and they'd been talking for several hours.
- Double Subverted: He leaves because he converted immediately and wanted to find the nearest Troperism Holy Temple of Worship.
- Parodied: An university has a new club where the students can learn more about Troperism. After just the first meeting, all the students in attendance convert to Troperism.
- Deconstructed: Troperism succeeds at winning many converts, but the ease with which they are converted makes them all shaky in their faith. They don't really know what they believe. It takes a minor incident to fracture and destroy the church.
- Reconstructed: A group of are faithful, and decide to rebuild Troperism after it's destroyed.
- Zig Zagged: Alice says a few sentences, after which Bob leaves. But he's just headed to the Troperism Holy Temple of Worship - to protest, since Alice did such a horrible job.
- Averted: Evangelism is not portrayed as easy.
- Enforced: The writer loves religion, so he decides to make evangelism look easy.
- Lampshaded: "I wasn't gonna convert, but hey, they had free donuts."
- Invoked: ???
- Defied:
- "Your religion may be impressive, but until you offer me more than a few anecdotes, I'll stick with my own, thank you."
- Troperism has done lots of horrible stuff recently, so it will be hard to convince people to convert to Troperism.
- Discussed: "You're a new face here at church. When did you..." "After that girl talked to me! All it took was a few minutes!"
- Conversed: "It ain't easy to convert in real life."
- Exploited: The head of Troperism, seeing the ease with which he wins new converts, decides to make his religion more cultish and sinister.
- Played for Laughs: Bob is unwilling to convert. Then Alice shows up and convinces him in a few sentences. "What did you say to him?" She is asked. Her answer: "Oh, I offered him bacon if he converted."
- Played for Drama: One religion, angered at the rate at which it's losing members to Troperism, decide to wage war against that religion. The war ends with both sides heavily damaged, with no definite winner.
Back to Easy Evangelism.
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