< Earth 2150

Earth 2150/YMMV

  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The music has been specially composed for the game, giving each side its own specific type of music. Eurasian Dynasty has pompous, militaristic classic music fitting its blunt, crude aspect; Lunar Corp eerie, spacey sounds akin their space hippie-ness; United Civilised States hard rock fitting their industrialized nation. The Moon Project takes this already awesome music, and adds an overproduced futuristic feel to it. Then there's the three sides' promo clips, where the UCS clip is structured more like a music clip (with Nukes) than a propaganda clip.
    • The sequel, Earth 2160, comes bundled with a soundtrack CD, and given the nice selection of atmospheric tunes, you can't really blame them.
  • Game Breaker: UCS plasma cannons, hands down. Insane damage, very high rate of fire AND infinite ammo.
    • Until long range artillery level the towers.
    • Also, aircraft in 2150's campaign, due to the AI's love of anti-ground only energy weapons.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: ED forcibly turns soldiers into cyborgs to pilot their vehicles.
    • The UCS is not better. They use cyberized human brains to pilot their mechs and aircraft.
  • Sequel Displacement: Few people have heard of Earth 2140, which started the series, and was a fairly decent game in its own right, if not as spectacular or out of the ordinary as its sequels.
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