< Eagle Eye Mysteries

Eagle Eye Mysteries/YMMV

  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Macavity. Noble Demon or Jerkass?
  • Ear Worm: Several musical pieces from both games will linger in your brain after a while...
  • Even Better Sequel: EEM London has a few additional features that were not present in EEM Original, such as the ability to disable the highlighting boxes that surround witnesses and clues, in order to force the player to be more observant in sleuthing.
  • Face of the Band: Astrid and Regina for their respective bands in EEM London.
  • Fan Boy: Jeremy, a bike messenger and minor character who you first meet in EEM London's "Case of the Lyric Larceny," is a rabid fan of Astrid Blake's band, Stiff Upper Lip. While you're trying to find Astrid's missing songbook, which is the main aim of the case, when you run into him he offers to pay you fifty pounds for the book, which he desperately wants to add to his Stiff Upper Lip collection. Seriously, his devotion is not a little creepy.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Macavity.
  • Moral Event Horizon: It's actually very surprising to see happen in a children's Edutainment Game, but Dave Grant arguably manages to cross the line to becoming a cold-hearted bastard by slipping a powerful magnet into Alex Hane's backpack in Book 2's version of "Case of the Crazy Compass." What qualifies this as a Moral Event Horizon moment? The fact that the magnet severely messes up Alex's compass while he's out in the woods with the rest of his Explorer Trek club, causing him to get lost for hours and being potentially put at risk of experiencing the very real dangers associated with getting lost in the woods--and our perp put the magnet in the backpack knowing that Alex and his group would be going into the woods. It becomes even worse when you learn the motive for the act, as well: because Alex's science project beat Dave's special project on magnetism.
  • Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped: Happens every so often. One of the most recurring topics centering on this trope revolves around smoking, which Jake and Jennifer (in no uncertain terms) declare is gross and can make people sick.
    • In EEM London's "Case of the Blitz Beryls," Lady Edna Saltcoats tells the kids about how her friend Roscoe Fishwick has forgotten where he hid the titular gems during World War II. When asked if he was punished for losing the beryls, Lady Edna says no; she explains that Fishwick's family knew he was just trying to help, and that in modern times they just joke about it. She then makes this comment:

Lady Edna: Worse things happen in war than just losing some money.

    • In "Case of the Phony Prevaricator" from the same game, Angus Mc Pherson, president of the All-Britain Prevaricator's Club (a club devoted to telling the best "tall tales") informs the detectives that all of the Club's members only compete to tell the most outlandish lies on Liar's Day, but at all other times they are required to be truthful, because the point of the Club is to outline that lying is wrong.

Angus Mc Pherson: Every day we rely on people to let us know what is really true and what they really feel. If they lie these things, they let us down! It's easy to lie. Sometimes it seems like the easiest thing in the world! What's hard is to repair the damage that even a little lie can do.

  • That One Puzzle: Happens quite often in both games. One very notable example is EEM London's "Case of the Envelope Espionage."
  • The Woobie: One of Mr. Grimaldi's avatar pictures in EEM Original portrays him this way in both versions of "Case of the Angry Arsonist."
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