< EVE Online

EVE Online/Quotes

Rodj Blake > Attention Cruoris Seraphim - you are criminals and will be shot on sight. You will not be drinking Amarrian blood tonight - you will be drowning in your own!
Heartstone > Thanks Rodj I was afraid they were gonna shoot me I feel so safe with you guys protecting me
Rodj Blake > Attention SF - you are criminals and will be shot on sight...

ngtm1r > 60mil worth of dead belt rats since I logged in.
ngmt1r > I've probably killed more than a million poor electronic peons who made the mistake of signing on as a deck hand on a Serpentis battleship.
*ngtm1r should probably care.
Node Crash > EVE Online: the only game where everyone is a mass-murdering sociopath.

"Welcome to EVE Online. If you aren't already thinking of ways to injure or at least minorly inconvenience other players, you have a lot of catching up to do."

Bremkr > did you destroy my ship just for fun?
Jgxrut > no, i did it for the loot and the salvage
Bremkr > then why did you pk me after?
Jgxrut > that was for fun

Pax Empyrean > Eve Online is a Somalia simulator. Or, you could think of it as a giant sandbox to play and explore in. A sandbox full of rapists and pedophiles, and you're a six year old boy in a sailor suit.

Acoatain > you know you have to many alts when you see someone warp into your belt and think to yourself "WTF are you doing?" then you realize its one of your alts.

The Mittani: "EVE is one of the only games where the activation of Microsoft Excel can sound the death knell of an alliance."

Many, many quotes from EVE player chatlogs can be found at omgrawr.net.

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