DynaMarisa 3D

DynaMarisa 3D is Doujin Third-Person Shooter game by Twilight Frontier. It stars Marisa Kirisame and doing what she does best: blowing stuff up. DynaMarisa 3D is essentially Touhou meets Earth Defense Force 2017, but it does have some creative liberties of its own to set some gameplay differences from the game it is based on. As the "3D" in the title implies, the game be played with stereographic 3D visuals if the user's PC uses a video card that supports it.
The story premise of DynaMarisa 3D has Marisa trying to break into the Scarlet Devil Mansion to "borrow" some books from Patchouli Knowledge's library, as usual. However, this would be the day when Marisa's book-borrowing days would be turned up-side down as she is surrounded by heavily-armed fairies and ant-like robots all under Patchouli's command. Under her orders, her army of robots and fairies lets loose with a danmaku of gunfire to teach Marisa a lesson. Humiliated, Marisa flees from the scene but she wasn't giving up without a fight as she swore revenge against Patchouli to take down her legion of Mooks by forming army of faires of her own and arming herself to the teeth with an arsenal of weapons, thus the Patchouli Defense Force was formed.
The game was released on May 1, 2011 for Windows PC during Comic 1☆5. The game later received a fan-made English patch by the translators of Labyrinth of Touhou.
- This page is a work-in-progress
- Action Girl: Marisa. Sakuya, Remilia and Flandre, and even Patchouli also take part in turning Mecha-Mooks in wrecks.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
- Beam Spam
- Big Bad: Star Patchouli.
- Big Damn Heroes: Invoked at the game's final stage when Sakuya, Remilia, Flandre, and Patchouli fight alongside Marisa in final showdown with Star Patchouli.
- Bottomless Magazines
- Bullet Hell: It's a Touhou game based on Earth Defense Force 2017 after all.
- Dual Boss: Stage 22 has Marisa pitted against two robo-Patchoulis.
- Everything Is Better With Explosions
- Fairy Companion: Marisa and Patchouli have a squadron of fairies to fight alongside them.
- Fan Translation: From the translation team that also worked on Labyrinth of Touhou.
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero—Marisa
- The Lancer—Sayuka
- The Big Girl -- Patchouli
- The Tagalong Kids: Remilia and Flandre
- Floating Continent: Star Patchouli, the game's Big Bad.
- Girly Run: As menancing the robotic Patchoulis are, they run as girly as Patchouli.
- Harder Than Hard, Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels: In DynaMarisa 3D, you have have (from easiest to hellish) Easy, Normal, Hard, Lunatic, and Master.
- Heart Container: The Life-Up items (which looks like the 1-Ups from Mega Mari) can raise Marisa's HP by 2.
- Humongous Mecha: Marisa faces giant Patchouli-esque robots at one point of the game.
- Infinity+1 Gun: Some of the bonus end-game weapons can qualify. Even certain high-level weapons with the right weapon modifers can be this, too.
- Infinity-1 Gun: The Metamorphosis Elixer, a weapon obtained after clearing all 26 stages on Master difficulty, let's the player dispense every weapon in storage. Sounds awesome at first, the once you get to very last weapon in holding, it'll be the only weapon to use for the remainder of the Stage. This mean you'll need high-grade weapons to make good use of it and make sure to save best weapon for last. Even still, the weapon can be quite deadly.
- Little Miss Badass, Token Mini-Moe: Remilia and Flandre, both cute vampire sisters packing heat with a sniper rifle and missile launcher respectively.
- Little Miss Snarker: Marisa.
- Mecha-Mooks
- Mook Maker: The Patchouli-esque spaceships spawn Mooks to ruin Marisa's day.
- More Dakka: With assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, missile launchers, automated gun turrets, and grenades, Marisa Kirisame can never have enough dakka, ze!
- Nintendo Hard: Take the onslaught that Earth Defense Force 2017 provides, then you add some Touhou-levels of Bullet Hell and bring the level of sheer chaos Up to Eleven and you have this game.
- One-Winged Angel: Star Patchouli does this during the final battle.
- Random Drops: Unlike Earth Defense Force 2017, weapons dropped from enemies can have one or more weapon modifers that can alter the statistic strengths of the gun and/or how the weapon behaves.
- Recurring Location: Seeing that same humongous foyer in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, that same giant dinning room, the same huge garden, the same underground basement area may cause some déjà vu.
- Say My Name: Invoked by Marisa with Patchouli's (off-screen) Heroic Sacrifice moment at the end of Stage 22.
- Shout-Out: "PDF! PDF! PDF!"
- The End - or Is It?: The ending of game reveals that the remains of Star Patchouli is active.
- Theme Naming: Marisa's weapons are named after the main characters of Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
- Panty Shot: It is possible up Sakuya's and the fairies' (both your allies and enemies) dress and peek at their panties.
- X Meets Y: Again, it's Touhou-meets-Earth Defense Force 2017.