< Dumbing of Age

Dumbing of Age/YMMV

  • Nightmare Fuel: This is pretty much one of the most terrifying scenes in the series. The strips slowly changing into a redish tint reflects this.
  • Base Breaker: The whole Billie vs Ruth thing has people picking sides.
    • Also is Joyce an adorable Christian who needs to break out of the effects of her sheltered life or an idiotic bible-bashing xenophobe?
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Walky.
  • Funny Moments: Mike gets angry.
  • Heartwarming Moments: Little Sister.
  • Ho Yay: Besides linking to a slash fic between Billie and Joyce, Willis seems to enjoy teasing the fans.. Joyce's behavior towards Billie is a bit too friendly, to say the least... Shower buddies? Really?
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: New!Mike comes off as one. While clearly still a jerk, he's friends with Ethan, at the very least.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • With my penis tends to pop up in the comments of most strips involving Joe.
      • It has recently become the response to any action, regardless of if Joe is in any way involved.
  • Moment of Awesome: Roofying Joyce is a bad idea.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: New!Roz was a lot better received than her Scrappy Shortpacked counterpart. Unfortunately, New!Robin seems to have taken her place on the heap.
  • The Scrappy: New!Joyce. Dear god, New!Joyce. The plan was to have them all have the character development, minus the alien abduction. What we have instead is a Joyce that is a Christian fundamentalist, with the added bonus of being very intolerant and completely ignorant as well. Her stated goal for being at school is just to find a husband and quit. She finds a Jewish man and her immediate goal is to convert him to Christianity. A friend reveals that she's an Athiest and she has a panic attack. She goes on a date, only to pay another man to come along and beat up the guy if he "steps out of line." When called out on a Christian attacking someone, she says it's fine, cause girls can't hurt guys. Fortunately, like Billie, the running theme seems to be Break the Haughty with her.
    • Then again, that arguably still makes her better than how the original Joyce was at the start. Only time will tell how her Character Development will go.
      • She's currently in second place in the site's "Favorite DoA undergrad character, First Anniversary Edition" poll, with 12% of the votes. So this is an extra YMMV.
    • Sarah is another character that tends to inspire hatred in the comments, thanks to how viciously antisocial she is.
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