Duck Dodgers in the 24½th Century/Funny
In a cartoon short filled with funny, this:
- Setting a course for Planet X:
Duck Dodgers: And now then, eager young space cadet, here is the course we shall pursue to find Planet X. (illustrating every detail on a clear plastic star chart of space) Starting from where we are, we go 33,600 turbo miles due up. Then west in an astro-arc deviation to here, then following the great circle seven radiolubes south by downeast. By astro-astroble to here, here, and here, then by space navigo-compass to here, here, and then to here and here. By thirteen point strato-cumulus bearing four million light-years, and thus to our destination[1]. Now do you know how to reach Planet X?
Eager Young Space Cadet: Y-y-ye--oh sure.
Duck Dodgers: (gawking at first the Cadet, then at the chart's ridiculously complex path) Well, I wish you'd explain it to me some time, buster!
Eager Young Space Cadet: Oh, it's v-very simple...(cuts to a look outside the ship, with various planets lettered "A", "B", "C", etc.) If we follow th-those planets, we can't miss Planet X!
Duck Dodgers: (laughing) That's ridiculous! (more laughing) Wait...I've got it! I'll bet that if we just follow those planets, we'll find Planet X! do I do it?
Eager Young Space Cadet: I d-d-d-don't know.
- Daffy vs. the Disintegrating Pistol...both Marvin's and his own:
Daffy: (appearing out of nowhere and pointing a gun at Marvin the Martian) HA-HA! Got the drop on you with MY Disintegrating Pistol! And brother, when it disintegrates, it disintegrates!!
(Daffy pulls the trigger of his pistol...and it promptly turns to dust in his hand.)
Daffy: Huh. What do you disintegrated...
- Not to mention the scene beforehand, where Marvin had pulled a Disintegrating Pistol on Daffy, who dared him to fire since Daffy was secretly wearing a disintegration-proof vest. Well... at least the vest didn't disintegrate...
- The first time Eager Young Space Cadet catches Marvin the Martin flatfooted:
Eager Young Space Cadet: (handing him a lit stick of dynamite) Ha-Happy B-Bir-Birthday you th-thing from another world, you! (disappears back into the ship)
Marvin the Martian: (dropping his pistol) Oooo! Thank you!
Daffy: As I was saying, buster, this planet ain't big enough for the two of us, so... (shoves Marvin off the remains of Planet X) off you go!
- ↑ Note that their destination is about half an inch from the 33,600 turbo-miles in the first step on the chart