DuckTales (2017)

This is a reboot of DuckTales (1987). The reboot airs on Disney XD. While it has it's share of changes from the 1987 series, fans of the old series should be pleased that the reboot has it's share of Mythology Gags and is Truer to the Text. Fans of Disney comics might also be pleased with it returning more to the comics.

The 3 Nephews lived with Donald and at the end of the first episode all four become homeless, so Scrooge takes them in.

Tropes used in DuckTales (2017) include:

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  • Affably Evil: Unlike other villains on this show, Mark Beaks is actually surprisingly affable for a villain.
  • Big Bad: Magica De Spel is this for Season 1. This is likely the reason why Scrooge McDuck assumes that she's the leader of the group of villains banded together against him, when it's actually Glomgold.
  • Born Lucky: Gladstone, as usual, though it doesn't turn out so lucky for him when he's targeted by a luck-sucking demon for this reason.
  • Born Unlucky: Donald, as usual, though it turns out not to be so unlucky for him when he persuades a luck-sucking demon to try feasting on his luck.
  • Brought Down To Badass: After being defeated at the end of Season 1, Magica De Spel is no longer such a threat. But she's still strong enough to easily subdue the ghost butler.
  • The Comically Serious: General Lunaris and his insistent terminology that the moon is a planet, even though it's a dwarf planet at the most.
  • Crazy Prepared: General Lunaris designed his invasion scheme to specifically counter Scrooge McDuck...but he never anticipated that Scrooge would go to Glomgold of all people for help.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: General Lunaris prepared himself to deal with Scrooge McDuck...but not Glomgold.
  • Good Counterpart: Eventually, Lena becomes one to Magica De Spel.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: Magica De Spel is assumed to be the leader of the group of villains that band together to defeat Scrooge McDuck for this reason.
  • It's Personal: While it's been shown in previous works that Donald Duck does get angry with his nephews from time and time, it's also shown that he does indeed care for them. When he finds out Lunaris's intention with the three of them, Donald doesn't take it well.
  • Laughably Evil: Glomgold. He's actually an excellent choice to fight Lunaris, however.
  • Logical Weakness: Theoretically, a sorceress would be the gang of villains' best solution to fighting a poltergeist...and she is.
  • One-Way Entrance: In The Impossible Summit of Mt. Neverrest!, Scrooge, two of his nephews, and Webby went into a cave for shelter. They turn around to see the entrance was sealed with a boulder.
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