< Drop Dead Fred

Drop Dead Fred/YMMV

  • Nightmare Fuel: The Alternate Character Interpretation gives the film rather disturbing implications.
    • Also if you put some scenes to scary music, they could easily be from a horror movie.
    • It's normal for a small child to have loud, screeching gore and scat fantasies about her mother, right?

Fred: I'm not afraid of the Megabeast!
Young Lizzie: I'm not either, when she comes in here we'll make her eat up all this mud!
Fred: Yeah... and then we'll cut her head off...
Young Lizzie: ...with scissors...
Fred: Yeah... and then we'll make her eat it.
Young Lizzie: ...make her eat her own head... with what?
Fred: Oh yeah, well I'll eat her head then.
Young Lizzie: And I'll eat the rest of her!
Fred: Yeah! And then we'll get up and poo her all over the table cause we're not afraid of anything!
Young Lizzie: Yeah, yeah, YEAH!

  • Alternate Character Interpretation/Fridge Horror: It isn't much of a stretch to imagine Lizzie as severely schizophrenic (especially when her interactions with Fred cause her to act in extremely erratic and destructive ways).
    • When you look at Lizzie's childhood, she lives with a mean mother and rebels against her - except with Fred doing the rebelling for her. When she takes drugs as an adult to make her stop imagining Fred, Fred becomes lethargic. If you think of Fred as Lizzie's subconscious, it becomes a very depressing and disturbing film.
  • Angst? What Angst?: Janie loses her home and every single possession she has. Her response: A mildly irritated sigh and then moving on.
    • Actually Janie tried to kill Fred. It doesn't really make much more sense in context.
      • Unless she was lashing out at Fred in order to not lash out at her friend, who was clearly having serious problems.
  • Cult Classic: Died a quick death at the box office twenty years ago, yet look at how large the main entry page for the movie is here.
  • Designated Hero: Fred. He acts like an absolute psychopath and damn near ruins Elizabeth's life but is supposedly doing it for a good purpose, which makes him a good guy.
    • Even though he COMPLETELY ruined Carrie Fisher's character's life... and maybe Carrie Fisher in real life too. And he drove that guy Lizzie was on a date with completely insane.
      • Well, it turns out that the insurance on her houseboat was worth a fortune, but it's not like Fred knew that.
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