Drill Mole
Fiction often associates drills with moles, as they, in turn, are associated as Tunnel Kings and miners.
Not to be confused with a villain masquerading as a hero who prefers to use a drill.
Examples of Drill Mole include:
Anime and Manga
- Digmole, Coach Mountain's Medabot in Medabots, is a construction Medabot with drills for hands and on its nose.
- Drimogemon from Digimon Adventure, and by extension its Palette Swap NiseDrimogemon.
- In Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, the heroes use drills to fight and the Team Pet is a mole. Ergo...
- GaoGaiGar is a Combining Mecha with a Drill Tank component, resulting in drills on its knees. Its Super Prototype "Genesic GaoGaiGar" is composed of robotic animals rather than vehicles; guess what animals form the legs (and therefore supply its drills)?
Card Games
- Neo-Spacian Grand Mole in Yu-Gi-Oh!. Its fusion form, Elemental Hero Grand Neos, also uses a drill arm.
- Godzilla: Moguera
Tabletop Games
- Monsterpocalypse has the Subterran Uprising which have Monsters and units that are giant mole monsters with drills for weapons, most notably is Drillcon-Vorionnik. Others have buzzsaws or blasters.
Video Games
- Mother 3: Reconstructed Moles. Mecha-Moles! also appear to have one, though, unlike the former, it doesn't use it in battle.
- Donkey Kong Country Returns: the moles in World 4 use a Drill Train in a few levels.
- Pokémon Black and White: Drillbur and Excadrill, who appropriately learn the moves "Drill Run" and "Horn Drill". The former may be a Shout-Out to the aforementioned Reconstructed Moles from MOTHER 3.
- The latter may also be a shout out to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
- Though it's combined with a ... duckbill ... for some reason, Duckbill Mole (Platypus, perhaps?) from Mega Man X Command Mission is a drill fanatic.
- The Drillbot Badniks from the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
- MARDEK has Drillions, which supposedly use their drill snouts to mine for gems to eat. And also to hurt Mardek.
- Super Mario Galaxy's Major Burrows digs into the ground by spinning at high speeds using his spiked helmet.
Western Animation
- Dutch cartoon series Boes, about an Ox who runs a farm, (roll with it) features as his main antagonist plague a crowd of moles that look just like the trope picture on the left.
- Digger from Lilo & Stitch: The Series, who is a brown alien with a drill for a tail.
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