< Dramatic Wind
Dramatic Wind/Playing With
Basic Trope: A rush of wind happens just as something dramatic happens or is about to happen.
- Straight: The Hero and the Big Bad meet each other for the Final Battle. While they stand perfectly still, mustering each other, a light breeze rustles through their longcoats and unruly hair.
- Exaggerated:
- Justified: Either The Hero, or the Big Bad has elemental air powers.
- Inverted: The Final Battle takes place amidst a heavy storm, however, when The Hero and the Big Bad finally face each other, the wind suddenly dies.
- Subverted: The wind rustles through the leaves, but doesn't reach the two fighters.
- Double Subverted: ...and then it throws a heap of dry leaves right between them.
- Parodied:
- The wind is so strong, it blows everyone off their feet, killing the "dramatic" part.
- The wind is strong enough to lift the skirt/dress of a nearby female character, embarrassing her greatly.
- The wind sounds some chimes, which play Shave and a Haircut.
- Deconstructed: The gentle breeze blows the hero's long hair in his face, distracting him long enough for the villain to kill him.
- Reconstructed: The villain, too, has long hair and so they are evenly matched.
- Zig Zagged:
- A wind starts to blow, but doesn't reach the fighters. Then said wind blows a pile of leaves between them, but dies right in between them. Then it picks up again, blowing their hair.
- Alternately: A wind blows during the first fight between The Hero and a member of the Quirky Miniboss Squad, but doesn't for the next member. Then when The Hero meets the Big Bad, a wind starts to blow, but the next time they meet, it doesn't.
- Averted: The wind always picks up when metereologically appropriate, not when the story demands it.
- Enforced: The author always thought it looked cool to have the wind pick up during a fight.
- Lampshaded: "Why does a wind always start blowing whenever Bob and Mr. Satan fight? They aren't even outside, this time!"
- Invoked:
- The Hero's Sidekick turns on the big electric fan when the Final Battle begins, just for the sake of special effects.
- Alternatively, the hero opens the window.
- Exploited: The hero holds Feather of Truth which the villain has to have within a minute. Before engaging combat, a Dramatic Wind blows which the hero uses to get rid of the feather easily so it flies away.
- Defied: The hero wears tight clothing and has short hair so that the light breeze that usually causes dramatic wind effects has no visible effect on him.
- Discussed: "Why does a wind always start blowing whenever Bob and Mr. Satan fight? They aren't even outside, this time!" "But it always has to pick up in this type of scene!"
- Conversed: "It's the unwritten Rule of Cool: don't start the fight until the wind has disheveled your hair and clothes enough."
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