< Drama Drama Duck
Drama Drama Duck/Tear Jerker
- The Tenth Doctor's (canon) death and his goodbye. Don't worry, he's getting better. After all, The Doctor has been saved.
- The death of the Holy Roman Empire during the Time Warp virus.
- The deaths of community members are always sad, but it's even worse when their players choose not to find a way to bring them back to life. Examples include:
- Sorata's death. He got better too.
- Christmas time seems to be a magnet for misery on the community, first proven with the Gundam 00 cast for the end of the first season. What with all the dying.
- Tieria's letter needs its own note for succeeding in going right into Manly Tears territory, reducing many a community member to bawling their eyes out. The comments make it worse.
- Nooooooooooooooo!vember.
- Phoenix almost confesses to Edgeworth during the first Red String virus.
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