< Drake and Josh

Drake and Josh/YMMV

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: Do Walter and Audrey show signs of being responsible parents by grounding Drake and Josh when they do something terrible? Or are they just retarded based on how they never see Megan for what she really is or care about what the boys get put through?
  • Creator's Pet: Megan -- the writers don't seem to think "spoiled brat always wins no matter what she does" ever gets irritating.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: The "Soul Man" routine in the talent show from the Blues Brothers episode. Now, the routine itself is pretty awesome & definitely qualifies, but add on to this that in the show, Josh had suffered crippling stage fright until this point, whilst Drake only came up with the idea to do the routine minutes beforehand after an acappella group stole the song his band were going to perform.
    • Megan of all people gets one in "Megan's New Teacher" when she and Drake sneak into the school late at night and sabotage Josh's evaluation.
    • Everything that happens between Megan calling the police and when the police finally get there in Drake & Josh Go to Hollywood is basically one huge scene of awesome.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Generally at least one per episode. Often involves Josh fucking up royally.

Josh: Would you mind taking me into the back alley and beating me until I lose consciousness?

  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Crazy Steve was meant as a one time gag, where the seemingly stoned (and mulletted) Gavin being the recurring weird buddy. Jerry Trainor hit that role so well that he was kept on and was brought on to iCarly as a main character.
    • Mindy also appears to be a textbook example, as she returned some time after her initial appearance and took on a much larger recurring role dating Josh.
  • Fridge Logic: Sure it's obvious how Drake got arrested but how did Josh got arrested in Merry Christmas Drake & Josh?
    • Butt Monkey Running Gag. The cops mistook Josh to be one of the party crashers, much like he was also arrested in Theater Thug.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Jokes about Drake's vanity becomes this when you realise that Drake Bell was involved in a car accident during production of the series, and had to have cosmetic surgery as a result of it.
    • The entire Dune Buggy episode, where most of the humor comes from Drake injuring himself in a bad wreck, becomes this for the same reason.
    • Seeing Drake wrestle with his girlfriend Lucy (Gabrielle Christian) can be a little unsettling when take her other role into context
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Watching the early episodes, where the characters laugh at the mere thought that someone would find Josh attractive over Drake becomes very funny when you remember how Josh Peck looked when the series ended...
    • Don't forget how he looked in his cameo at the very end of the Victorious episode "Wok Star", too.
  • Ho Yay: Once again, Drake and Josh, Craig and Eric
    • Josh even kisses Drake in more than one episode.
      • Well, they are siblings. It's not that odd.
        • ...If it's not on the lips, it's not.
    • This pretty much covers it.
    • Even they missed a few, like when Drake "proposes" to Josh in Pool Shark. There's also the way Drake likes to use his seduction voice whenever he's trying to get Josh to do something.

Drake: (to Josh) 'Cause she's purdy. * leans closer* You're purdy too...
Josh: (after a nightmare in which Drake's head blows up) Oh, Drake, your head is fine.
Drake: You have pretty eyes.

    • "The Drew and Jerry Show": the entire episode
  • Jerkass Woobie: Drake. While he might be neglectful, he's hated by his English teacher for no reason, his sister is terrible, and has been through other crap as well.
  • Les Yay: Surprising amount of shipping for Megan/Mindy.
  • Jerk Sue: Megan.
  • Memetic Mutation: The Gamesphere.
  • Unpopular Popular Character: By the end of the last season, Josh is looking good. He lost all of his weight, he has a job, he has serious, long term girlfriends, and in general became just as hot as Drake, but more successful at life. Somehow Josh is still treated as if he is the loser of the two.
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