< Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey/Heartwarming

  • Robert asking Cora, in the most tender tone imaginable, whether he truly has made her happy, and her telling him that yes, he has.
  • When the Countess forfeits the first-place trophy at the flower show in order to give it to the much more deserving Moseley (and deny all knowledge of it afterwards).
  • Robert stopping Mr. Bates from leaving Downton in the first episode.
  • Mr. Bates bringing food for Anna while she's sick.
  • Anna's Anguished Declaration of Love to Mr. Bates.
  • Any scene between Sybil and Gwen.

"Your dream is my dream now. And I'll make it come true."

  • Carson giving Mary a Cooldown Hug in episode 7 of season one.
  • It's a small moment, but this troper was very touched when Cora secretly watches Sybil bake her first cake. The smile on her face just makes the scene.
  • Bates and Anna, at the table, discussing their future together. When he reveals all his hopes and dreams for their future so thoroughly planned, it settles the argument once and for all that yes, he is just as deeply committed to her as she is to him.
  • "Ms. Swire...as if any man in his right mind could prefer Ms. Swire to you." And with that, Carson, you've become my favorite for all time.
  • Mrs. Patmoor, shown previously to be a bit prickly, discovers Mrs. Bird running a soup kitchen in secret, instantly drops everything and helps cook and keep it a secret.
  • Matthew and William returning home during the concert after being reported missing. The looks he and Mary share could melt glaciers.
  • Edith getting her moment in the spotlight when the entire dinner table guests turn to thank her for her efforts to help the convalescing officers at Downton.

General Sir Herbert Strutt " I also think we are forgetting someone here... the officers tell me of someone who has been a great help to them...
Others "Who?"
General Sir Herbert Strutt "Here. Lady Edith".

    • Keep in mind that when the exchange begins, Cora and Isobel look expectant, because both have been in a rivalry over running the hospital and both are hoping that they will be named as the most helpful. Edith, meanwhile, did everything for the injured soldiers out of a genuine desire to help them be more comfortable.
  • The entire story that Carson tells of four-year-old Mary in Episode 7 of Season 2.
  • Mathew and Molesley coming to a quiet, unstated mutual agreement during the second episode of series 1 when Mathew lets Molesley really do his job for the first time.
  • "You are a lady to me. And I never knew a finer one." Oh, Bates.
  • Robert finally giving his blessing to Sybil and Branson.
  • The entirety of Carson and Hughes' relationship.
  • Throughout the series, Mary has been afraid of what her father will do if he ever finds out about the truth about Mr. Pamuk. When he does find out, and also discovers that the threat of exposure is why Mary still wants to go through with her marriage to Sir Richard, his reaction is immediate: "I don't want you spending your whole life being unhappy because of the threat of scandal. Break it off with him. Go to America to wait out the storm, visit your Aunt and come back with some rich young buck to shake us up!" Cue the father-daughter hug. D'awww.
    • Similarly, Matthew's reaction when Mary tells him about Mr. Pamuk. He is shaken, but the first thing he tells her is "I could never despise you" (this being in response to her saying that he would despise her if he ever learned her secret). She then asks if he's forgiven her for it, and he replies that he has not...because she's done nothing that needs forgiving. He then proposes and she accepts. After two seasons, they finally are engaged! Daw!
  • When Matthew sees that Mary is unhappy with Sir Richard, he tells her that she shouldn't feel the need to marry simply to secure her own future, saying "You'll always have a home at Downton, as long as I'm head of it."

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