< Doug Walker

Doug Walker/Awesome

/wiki/Doug Walkercreator
  • Doug's utter disgust at the abortion bit in Breaking Dawn. He's usually a nice, sweet, calm guy (and even with all his hate he's apologetic afterwards) and here he was shaking and close to rage-tears about how offensive it was.
    • Bringing up the fact that while Twilight (before this anyway) and the Disney Princesses are crappy, manipulative stereotypes, they're not destroying the minds of girls - like a lot of people say - because girls usually know full well that these are just fairy tales.
    • Pointing how Meyer is insulting men for once [1] by having "the perfect man" be so horrible towards to a pregnant Bella and not wanting to give her a choice about what's in her fucking belly.
    • Even before he got to the abortion hate, his angrishy confusion about why they didn't use protection was pretty cool too.
    • Even though he says he's going to be an asshole and go back on his whole "every movie means something to someone" belief, he stops himself. Even though the film pretty much broke him (and we know he's far less easy to crush than Critic), he ends up as self-effacing as ever, sure that it's just him overreacting. Good man.
      • To add to that, he never bashes the lady-friend he saw it with. Sure, he states that he is curious about her opinion (and other people's who actually like the film), but he states it intrigued with little to no anger. He directs his anger at the right target, the movie.
    • His words regarding Twilight's false belief that they are being brave by approaching abortion as badly as it did:

It's not bravery, it's not... Bravery is really understanding the issue before you say a goddamn thing about it.

  • It might be weird but Doug's reaction to all the fanart and fanfic about him. He was pretty much just making fun of anyone who thought he'd be creeped out by it. And judging by how Critic is pretty much the designated torture toy for the fandom, that's a nice thing for him to do.
  • An oldie but a goodie, but Doug's rising anger at "Boys Beware" and the ending line:

Doug: Remember, prejudice is wrong unless it's against the right people, you should never question authority, paranoia is your friend and anything different is evil! Good night, and enjoy fearing this world though you'll never understand why!

  • Doug's Patrick Stewart Speech about why he's doing a whole month of reviewing nothing but the Disney Animated Canon in his specials.
    • That he's doing three reviews a day for an entire month in the first place, added onto the large amount of work we know he already has. Even he's starting to express some panic.
    • Throughout the month, he's proved Critic's Real Women Never Wear Dresses belief totally only belongs to the character by arguing that often-bashed leads like Ariel, Snow White, Cinderella etc. really aren't that bad from a true feminist perspective. And his being sure to mention that this is only from a guy's POV has made the "men are only allies" crowd happy.
    • Disneycember as a whole counts, really. Doug, while already putting together his usual line up AND despite having computer issues, reviewed 48 animated Disney movies (with two exceptions) in a little over a month.
  • Again from Facebook, this post. The boy has a fantastic way with words.
    • Of course, the video was fake (Which is true-you can check the original channel) However, it doesn't detract any from Doug's power wordplay and that the message-while fabricated-is certainly a telling one.
      • Doug actually commented on the rising news on whether the video was fake (ummm, how do we know its fake for sure?). Doug comments that despite hearing the news, Doug holds to his belief that the grief of the boy was real and that Doug was glad things in the boy's life was improving.
  • His commentary on his disastrous Bart's Nightmare LP, which is mostly a treatise on how every artist will make mistakes, and you need to know how to respond to them and move on if you want to keep your audience.
    • Trying to get it into fan heads again that he's nothing like his character (except for a few opinions that he twists to extremes) and please don't listen to people who try to force their opinions on others.
  • His "Top 10 Movies That He Hates But Everybody Else Loves" and "Top 10 Movies That He Likes But Everybody Else Hates" videos deserve mention for being mature and respectful in his approach to them, when it would have been easy and tempting to insult people for their taste in movies, a mistake that Internet reviewers, both amateur and professional, can and HAVE made.
  • That incredibly Incredibly Long Note he did in his Christmas Holiday greeting video. Just... damn.
    • Plus, after it's done he just starts talking again without any apparent discomfort.
  • Doug meets and improvs with Cristina Valenzuela.
  • Spending December of 2011 doing Disneycember, where he reviews most of the movies of the Disney Animated Canon.
    • And despite a virus setting him back a week, he finishes it anyway in January.
  • His well-reasoned arguement in his personal review of "The Secret World of Arrietty," that while not all children are going to appreciate mature movies, the likes of which Studio Ghibli and Pixar are making, they at least deserve the option.
  • The mature reaction to the news that a new Garbage Pail Kids movie was coming out - that it might be good or it might be awful - putting him in firm contrast to his "end is nigh!11!!!" fans.
  • This. Tell him what to think, Internet.
  • His facebook rant on The Lorax (complete with Chick video rec) rivals the Twilight VLog for righteous fury.
  • This video serving as both a Take That to Michael Bay's crutches (Fantastic Racism, Male Gaze and Stuff Blowing Up) and the people wailing about how the change "raped their childhood"s.
  • Over on the DVD, the "Making Of A Nostalgia Critic" shows he really knows what he's talking about when it comes to filming, comedy and trying to make things perfect.
  • Remember the Critic's list of PSA's and how he was laughing at how over the top they were? Well, Doug gives us a good one.
  • Not that his voice isn't awesome, but any time he comes down with a throat infection he improvises very nicely. YMMV whether the episodes are funny or not, but give him points for a) working around it and b) not doing the understandable thing and spending a week in bed.
  • Doug getting Mara Wilson, celebrity and former child-actress to cameo in his review of A Simple Wish.
  1. he even said this was the first time he ever felt insulted as a man because "white men have had it pretty good"
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