Double Dare (1976 TV Show)

Game Show created by Jay Wolpert for Mark Goodson, which aired on CBS from 1976-77. Host Alex Trebek read a series of clues to his two contestants, who were in Sound Proof Booths. When one player buzzed in to guess the subject, the other player's booth closed. A correct answer was worth $50 and allowed the player to Dare their opponent to guess the answer with the next clue for $100. If the dared player missed, the darer could "Double Dare" with one more clue for $200.

The first player to score $500 played the Bonus Round against "The Spoilers", usually three men (sometimes two men and a woman) with doctorates in different disciplines. The contestant was shown a subject and tried to stump the Spoilers by choosing four clues from a pool of eight, with the ability to pass up to four if s/he felt it too easy. Each time a Spoiler didn't guess the answer, the contestant received $100; if a Spoiler guessed the answer, s/he received $100 and were out for the rest of the round. If at least one Spoiler remained stumped after the fourth clue, the contestant won $5,000.

Not to be confused with Nickelodeon's Double Dare, which is something quite different.

The following Game Show tropes appear in Double Dare (1976 TV Show):
Tropes used in Double Dare (1976 TV Show) include:
  • Funny Afro: Trebek, believe it or not. Complete with the Porn Stache he used to have, the man could not look more 1970s than he did on Double Dare. And he had it during almost all of his 1970s hosting gigs.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: During the final few episodes, the writers were starting to have fun with their clues (well, if it worked for Match Game '63...). The Grand Finale featured an infamous round with some rather racy clues for "The boomerang". The hilarity is only amplified further through Trebek, who was either A) completely oblivious to what they planted in there or B) knew and delivered it straight.

"When members of the French Resistance used this in World War II, they'd say, 'I'm off to telephone Hitler.'"

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